Is it real.? (lesbian)

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Summer vacation was whinning down and i had to get my party on. We had two more weeks of summer vacation left. It was was my senior year so that meant i couldn't be slacking off this year. i planned on being something after i graduated and not being one of these hoes on the street trying to make a living. Being born and raised in the A that's the way it was you either be something or be nothing simple as that.

It was Friday night and i promised my best friend i would go to a party with her tonight. It's not like I had any other plans, but I wish I did! I'm not the partying type I'd rather sit home and watch a movie. It was already 7:30 so i had about another hour and a half to get ready.

I hopped in the shower i let the steam take over the bathroom while the heat took over my body. It took me 30 minutes alone just to take a shower and wash my hair. You cant be just go anywhere let alone a party stink that's just not cute at all. I walked over to my closet to find out what my look was gonna be for tonight. i decided on my sleeveless short leopard print dress that hugged my body in just the right places. My red 6 six inch pumps and to top it all off some red lip stick, not everybody can pull it off but me i rock it. I put my hair in a high bun with a cute small red bow on the side

It was 9:20 when i got done i walked over to my full body lengthed mirror hanging on my bedroom door and i was satisfied with the view.

im 5'6. Carmel color with hazel eyes and long light brown hair that stopped in the middle of my back. i was a smut if you dont know what that means its a sexy mutt. im mixed with everything black, white, Jamaican, and Puerto rican.

"who got the baddest pussy on the planet-"

i already knew who it was my bitch keysha

"wassup you here"

"yes i been out side for bout five minutes"

"well how did I know you was here already.?"

"uunna dont be getting slick out the mouth with me" she said while laughing

"whatever imma be out in a minute"

"iight" she said while hanging up.

i ran down stairs as fast as i could with out breaking nothing. Running in heels ain't no joke.

"Ma ill be back later"

Like me telling her would be any good she problay wouldn't be here herself. My mama was a drug addict, any thing she could get her hands on she did it. She started using after i was born. When i was younger i used to blame myself, because i thought i was the reason she started using but after a while i got over it. She drove my brothers and sister away, they wanted to go with them but i wanted to stay here to try and help her but all my help isn't working. If she's not straight by the time i graduate she's on her own.

with that i walked out the house . I spotted keyshas car immediately. Her hot pink and baby blue crystler 300. My bitch was hood rich. She she went with the biggest dope dealer in the A. like me keysha was born and raise in the A. This was my ride or die bitch since diapers.

Is it real.? (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now