You're late

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*I decided to do this chapter in Keysha's point of view.*

"Mind your own god damn business. why the fuck you keep asking me the same question Keysha what's wrong with you, Keysha what's wrong with you damn aint nothing wrong with me and keep my nigga name out your mouth" with that I stormed out of the cafeteria tears running my face. I couldn't tell kyrstal what was wrong with me not because I thought she would judge me but because let's just say bad things would happen.

I ran, I ran past lockers, classrooms, and the front office until I was outside to my car. not looking back to see if she was following me I heard a few "bitch watch where your going" and some "bump into me again's" but I didn't really care at that point. I got in my car and drove to the only place I knew I could clear my mind the park it took about five minutes to get there since the streets were pretty much empty, everyone was either at school or work. I walked through the path in the woods and I seen my destination.

I went and a few feet from the edge of the cliff looking over the city. This was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen especially at night. I discovered this place one day my mom took me to this same exact park and I wondered off to find this honesty I think im the only one who knows about this.

Its been an hour since I been sitting in the same spot I cried for the entire time. I looked in to my purse and pulled out my blade.

No one knew about this but my boyfriend and my mom I couldn't tell Krystal I honesty don't know how she would take it.

I pulled up my dress to reveal several scars on my left leg. I haven't cut myself in months and then this happens I added 5 smooth lines across thigh I watched as the blood came down my leg. It felt good to have my stress anger and sadness released all together.

I cleaned up leg with some peroxide and band aids. I looked at my phone and noticed it was time for school to get out. I headed back to school to pick up Krystal but after the way I talked to her earlier she probably wouldn't want to talk to me. By the time I God there half of the school was gone but I didn't spot her. I waited 20 minutes on her thinking she was talking to a teacher or something but I got tired of waiting so I left. As I was heading home I seen Krystal walking with some gay girl. I pulled over and asked if she wanted a ride and she ignored me to the fullest I sped off to the mall mad as fuck I hated when people ignored me. i needed some me time get some shopping and my nails done I was tired of looking at the same black pink and blue design on my nails.


My phone dyed a few hours ago so when I got in the car I put it on the charger to see what I missed. 8 voicemails and 27 messages all from Tony and it was after 8 o'clock. My heart raced as I sped home I was hopping he would be in a good mood and not high and drunk.

I pulled up a little bit after 8:30 and Tony was sitting on the porch looking at me if looks could kill they would be planning my funeral tomorrow. I walked past him with out saying anything to him but I felt him follow me into the house.

"Where the hell you been" he said with each word comming out as a slur

I kept walking until I was in the room still not answering his question.

"Bitch I said where the fuck you been!" he yelled in my face. I could smell a mixture of beer and liquor on his breath.

"Out" I said while taking a hanger out to hang up my newly brought shirt.

"out" he said in a mocking tone before snatching the hanger and shirt out of my hand and throwing the onto the floor. "you been out spending my motherfucking money that's what you should've said!"

"Tony please don't start with me your drunk and high" I said in a calm tone as I bent down to pick up my shirt but instead he kneed me in the face. I held my nose as I hit the floor crying in pain I scrambled to get up and leave but he blocked the door

"The fuck you mean don't start with you I've been calling and texting you all day. When you got here did I get a hug or even a hey" he yelled while pushing me with all his strength. I hit the wall and all the books and pictures we had hanging on the wall all plummeting down onto me. hitting every visible part of my and my face. I looked at him and seen a devilish smile on his face as he called up his fist to hit me again but to my luck there was a knock at the door. my body was sore I could barley move but I managed to crawl over to the bed and soon fell asleep

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