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welcome back students I read as we passed the sign in front of the school.

The whole ride here was quiet no one said anything so I knew something was up with Keysha. She was usually loud and crazy but nothing. She asked me how everything was going but after that the only noise in the car was the radio and come to think of it I haven't talked to her in a few days. which I weird for us

We pulled up in the parking lot and she turned off the car.

Keysha what's wrong? I asked before she could open the door

she looked at me like she seen a ghost and looked down at her feet "nothing"

I grabbed her face to where she was looking at me I looked her dead in the eyes "Keysha I've known you all my life your my best friend so I know when something is wrong with you. Don't sit here and tell me nothing is wrong with you. First your all quiet and now you wont look at me when you are talking. So tell me what's wrong."

she turned around to look out the window and there was a couple kissing. She looked back at me and she was crying.

Did tony break up with you is that's what's wrong with you? I asked

she shook her head no. She's acting like im a mind reader I hated when people do that but she was my friend so I pulled her into a hug.

"from the looks of it your not ready to tell me what's wrong or your scared but I want you to know that your my sister and im here for you no matter what just like you are here for me. Now stop crying because your too pretty for that." i told her as she pulled away from the hug and smiled at me.

"Do you really want to know whats wrong"? she asked

"Yes i do if i didn't i wouldn't have asked in the first place"

Just as she was about to say something the first bell rung. I looked at her and smiled we both got out of the car. I pulled my schedule out of my bag to see what my first class was Ms. Cooper ap calculus room 2-301. i showed my schedule Keysha and to my luck we had the same classes except last period. i just hope i don't have kevin in any because that would ruin my year for sure.

We walked to the bathroom so she could fix her make up from when she was crying it looked a hot mess but i still love her. 10 minutes later we walked i had in hand to class which was all the way on the second floor. wearing heels and walking up stairs aint not joke but i was a pro at it so it didn't bother me but as for Keysha soon as we reached the top she was complaing about her feet i laughed and continued to search for our class. once we finnaly reached it i had to peek through the glass window to see who was in our class. No one importants so i knew this class would be a boring one.

Ms.jones and Ms.willams why are you two late. ms cooper asked while continuing to write on the bored.

Did she really just call me by my last name. I hated it. Jones. It was my "fathers" last name and i dont know who he is. he was never in my life as a child. i would always ask my mom about him when i was younger and she would always make up an excuse like oh he'll be back in a few years or your daddy's little girl he will always love you. After a while i stopped asking then i stopped caring. I mean why should i its obvious he didn't care about me so why waste my time.

"were sorry ms. cooper we had a hard time finding the class thats all" keysha said trying her best to be nice.

"well dont let it happen again since its the first day ill let it slide. Now go find a seat and copy down these equations on the board"

basically the rest of the day went like that. We were late to class made an excuse and we were given a warning. Luckily I didn't have Kevin in any of my classes but the bad part I had no eye candy. Every boy in my classes were either ugly or taken. I can already tell this will be a long year and the day isn't even over yet.

"Girl when I say he was sexy I mean sexy. he got some long pretty dreads and look like he got money imma get with that " keysha said.

we was sitting at lunch and age was telling me about a boy age ran into when age was "going to the bathroom" earlier but the real question was why is she talking about him when she got Tony. I was sure enough about to find out

"What about Tony though" I said suddenly interested in our conversation.

I saw her sudden mood change when I said his name. I looked at her and she gave me the same look she gave me this morning. I wanted to help her because I knew deep down she was scared even though I didn't know what or who she was scared of. I got up from my seat and I sat next to her and asked her once again what was wrong. it hurt me to know that my best friend was hiding something from me. she looked at me and her sudden out burst made me want to slap the shit out of her

"Mind your own god damn business. why the fuck you keep asking me the same question Keysha what's wrong with you, Keysha what's wrong with you damn aint nothing wrong with me and keep my nigga name out your mouth" and with that she stormed out of the cafeteria.

The whole room when quiet and I felt everyone's eyes on me. I don't believe she just went off on me in front of the whole school. All I was trying to do was help but she wanted to get an attitude imma let her have it. I have better shit to be worried about. I waited for the bell to ring so I culd go to my last class of the day Mr. Haze yearbook 3-304

Once again I was late to class. I sat in the back next to this man looking girl. I didn't pay much mind to her until a note landed on my desk. I wanted to bust out laughing we are seniors who still passes notes I guess she did.

"hey I seen what happened in the cafeteria. you alright?"

"why are you being nosey. I don't even know you so you can keep your notes to yourself."

"well im sorry I see your looking all sad and shit i was trying to be friendly"

"well I don't do "friendly" so bye"

"why do an attractive female like you have an attitude. all im trying to do is get to know you"

"it should be obvious im not trying to get to know you"

"can i at least get your name before class is over"

i finally looked over to her and may i say she was kind of cute but i don't do all that too friendly with females stuff. she had long dreads that went past her shoulders and her tips were dyes red they were neat as hell had to be recently retwisted. She was brown skinned with some pretty light brown eyes. She looked at me and smiled showing her perfect pearly whites a dimple. just as i was about to write back the bell rung signaling the end of the day. I quickly got up and went for the door. I felt some soft yet firm hands grab my arm. I turned around and there she was.

"so am i going to get your name or do i have to refer to you as gorgeous" she said

I cant lie she made smile like a complete idiot. no one never called me that i was always the sexy girl or the hot girl. i was never referred to as beautiful or gorgeous.

"Krystal My name is Krystal.

I continued to walk down the stairs and i decided to walk home today so i could give Keysha her space. As i began walking i heard her call my name. i smiled to myself and continued to walk and act like i couldn't hear her screaming my name loud as day.


i kept walking but instead of hearing my name a third time i felt hands on my arms once again. it was followed by heavy breathing. I turned around and smiled "its about time you caught up."

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