chapter 16

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"Please send an abulance to 452 East Main street.  My girl friend has been shot" I said through sobs I gripped her hand tighter as I talked

"They're in their way please stay with us.  I can't lose you now when I just got you" I heard the sirens in the distance get closer and closer.

She slowly closed her eyes as the paramedics knocked on the door

"Come in please hurry I think shes dying" I screamed loud enough for them to hear. 

Two men entered with a stretcher then just as quickly took her outside.  There was a huge crowd around my house.  I focused on no one i headed towards her car so i could follow them to the hospital even though i knew my way there since ive been hundreds of times with my mother. I heard  a very familiar voice call me.  It was Keysha.  I stopped to see her running in my direction.  She looked horrible but I couldn't stay and talk I had to leave. 

"Yes Keysha can you make this quick I need to leave like now" I said unlocking the car door.

"I'm sorry about all that has happened these past few days I want us to move past this" She said pulling me in for a hug.  I needed it,  tears started to fall.  I've held them in for so long it felt good to release it all. We stood there for a few minutes while I cried on her shoulder.  She pushed me up and wiped my eyes.  She had a huge wet spot where my head was but I don't think she cared.  After looking at me she walked around and got into the car and to the hospital we went.


"Hi, we're here to see Justice Stewarts" I said as we ran up to the receptions desk.

"She's in critical condition. Her doctor will be out soon,  until then you can wait"  She said

We walked over to the waiting room and stared at the clock. It was 6 o'clock.  Time seemed to be moving in slow motion.  After about two hours of us waiting the doctor finally came out. 

"Friends and family of Justice  Stewarts" Me and Keysha stood up. "Just her luck the bullet didnt cause any serious damage. We have removed it.  She's stable but only one person can go in at a time. " I followed the doctor to her room  but before he left I hugged him and thanked him.

As I entered the room it brought tears to my eyes seeing her hooked up to all of those machines I sat at the foot of her bed and we sat there in silence. 

"I'm sorry this happened to you.  I shouldn't have dragged you into this. Its all my fault your like this" I said breaking the silence

"You didnt drag me into anything.  I didn't wanna see you hurt anymore. You may jave just met me a few weeks ago but i knew you way longer than that you just dont remember me much. I've been in your life for the longest." she paused and waited for my response but I was speechless my mind was all over the place

"What do you mean you've known me. I've never seen you a day in my life. "

"I've always been around before your mother got with james I was your best friend we did everything together but after he came into the picture we stopped seeing each other he hated when I cam around.  After we got to middle school I always seen you by yourself but I would never approach you I seen how you would go to the bathroom right before the bell rung to go put on your makeup.  You always wore long sleeves and pants even when it was hot. No one wanted to be around you because they thought you were weird.  So one day after school I followed you home and thats when I seen and heard why you never talked to anyone."

"So why did james hate you being around me"

"Because he's my.. Father

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