"Moms new friend"

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*Flash back*

"Krystal come down here please" My mom yelled from down stairs

"Be down in a sec mom" i yelled back as i put my hair into a messy ponytail.

I walked down stairs to see her in the kitchen with some man.

umm.... Yes? i said while trying to figure out who he was and what he wanted.

"You remember James right? She said smiling ear to ear.

"I think so" i lied i never seen this man a day in my life

"well we have good news". she looked at him and smiled "were getting married next week"

"What!" I yelled.

"How long have you even known him? Do he have any other kids that he didn't take care of? Why are you marrying him all of a sudden? Is he moving in?" Do he know about your problem?" i screamed at my mother with tears running down my face.

How could she do this to me. I never even seen this man. I haven't even heard her speak about him. Never in a million years have i thought of my mother marrying someone not with all her problems.

"what's wrong hunny do you not like me?" James said as he reached up to wipe my tears.

I pushed his hand away. " Dont you dare touch me i dont know you and neither does my mom so there for no i do not like you and im not your hunny." I said putting emphasis on hunny

"Now listen here dont you dare talk to your new father like that or it will be consciences do you under stand me."

"New father?" are you kidding me? This man is not and never will be my father, i may not know my real dad but i know he's not him. Where did you even meet him is he also a junky huh do y'all have the same drug dealer is that how y'all met. I bet it is." i yelled

"dont you ever talk to me like that in your life i am still your mother and you will respect me and James in this house or you can get your things and get to stepping" she said while slapping me in my face and walking off.

I ran upstairs and cried. My mom never put her hands on me in my 13 years of living and she comes and do this to me after all that i done for her. Even though i was young i had to grow up fast while staying with her.

I went to sit in my special spot when i needed to clear my mind the roof. I discovered it when i was 7. Everything could be seen from that spot. It was so pretty at night.

I stayed out there for about 2 hours thinking about my life and how its going to turn out after she marries this James man. Would my life be better or worst, i guess i will find out next week. Even though i dont want anything to do with this man now i will try for the sake if my mother and her happiness. Who knows he might even help to get her off drugs. I hope so.


Two weeks later

i headed home from school it was finally summer vacation. Its been a week since my mom and James got married and so far things are going great. He moved in a few days ago, im still getting used to him being here but im okay with it.

I was happy because since my mom told me hey were getting married i haven't seen her do any drugs and she's actually looking for a job. Im so proud of her, maybe James being apart of the family would be good

Walking up the driveway i stopped in my tracks to my surprise James was home. He usually is at work when i get home from school and wouldn't be here for at least another hour. I walked up to the front door and i heard yelling.

Just as i walked in James raised his hand high and back handed my mom across the face and she fell onto the grown and scrambled to get in the corner and balled up into fetal position. I stood there with the door wide open looking at my mother cry in disbelief. James walked over to where she was and hovered over her to me it looked like he was crying to. His back was turned to me but i could see my moms face between his legs. She looked up and that's when her eyes met mine that made her cry even harder. I guess he realised it and he turnt around. I was right he was crying.

"How long have you been standing there" my mom asked as her voice cracked.

"i seen everything" i cried

I never seen a man put his hands on a female ever in my life, and i didn't want to see my mom get hit by some no good man.

"why mom? Why did you let him hit you like that and not do anything about it but cry?" i asked

"baby we were playing it was an accident"

"yea it was an accident" James said agreeing with my mom.

i looked at him with pure hate. i didn't ask him nothing so why was he talking.

"no it wasn't you just dont accidently back hand someone. and if you were playing why the hell are both of y'all crying if it was so much of an accident?" i screamed. i never cused at my mom or any adult for that matter but it was called for.

"dont you ever again talk to me like that ever again" he said as he hit me in my mouth.

"dont put your hands on my daughter you bastard. my mom got up and yelled but was quickly pushed back down onto the wall just as fast as she got up.

At that point i got tired of him putting his hands on me and my mom. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed one of those Micheal Myers knives i stopped when i felt something wet on my chin. I touched it and it was blood he busted my lip. Truly i have had enough of this man. i walked back to the living room with the knife behind my back slowly as i approached him. 1,2,... i counted quietly ready to stab him in the back but as soon as i lifted the knife...

*knock knock knock*

"who is it" james yelled as he approached the front door.

"Sam your next door neighbor, i heard screaming i just wanted to make sure everything is okay"

james turnt around and gave us that look. if looks could kill we'd both be dead.

he opened the door " no everything's OK we was playing you know how females get when they lose" he laughed

"alright well y'all take care" with that he walked off

"see Yall got mother fuckers being nosy and shit with all y'all damn screaming" he said as he walked back so where he was

now is the time i ran full speed with the knife over my head and my eyes closed i couldn't see the damage i would cause. i stopped when i hear his laughter i looked up and seen that the knife was no longer in my hand and it was now in his. i looked down at my shoes in disappointment and embarrassment.

"you funny you know that right you think you can come and kill me"

"im tired of you being here get out" my mom yelled out of no where. "you come with this bullshit and now you go and try to kill my husband"

"but mom-" i cried

"but mom nothing get out of my house. Your nothing but trouble she yelled

i could tell by here voice she didn't mean it she was just trying to take up for James but i did as she said and walked to keyshas house with tears in my eyes. How could she kick me out after i tried to save her.

Even though keysha asked what happened i didn't tell her because i thought she would kick me out to and judge me. i stayed at her house for three weeks thats when my mom called and begged for me to come back home. i was young so i went home. worst decision i made in my life.

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