Whats your name?

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"Are you serious? I could be a killer and your inviting me to stay with you."

"If your a killer atleast I wouldn't regret how I spent my last few hours" she smiled

"Before we go I have to tell you something"

"Yea don't try nothing cause you ain't gay and all that other stuff. Yea I know" she said as she grabbed my bag and began to walk

I laughed "no not that. I just wanna thank you and apologize. This whole week has been stressful and ive been nothing but a bitch to you. When I had no reason to, your right I didn't give you the time of day and im sorry. With that being said can I ask you something" I said as I stopped her

"Go ahead"

"What's your name?" I said with a smile

"I was waiting to see how long you would wait to ask me that. Its Justice but people call me Jay."

"Well thank you Justice. I really appreciate you for doing this. I should be out in the morning."

"No stay as long as you need to"

We walked to the parking lot. Until we reached her car, it seems like everybody but me have a car that's gonna change soon though. We rode in silence. The only thing that was heard in the car was the radio. It seems like we rode forever but it was only 30 minutes until we reached a nicer part of town. The houses were big and beautiful

We pulled up to a beautiful 3 story house the yard was nicely cut with Rose bushes along the perimeter and four cars in the driveway. The only place i seen houses like this was on tv or in a magazine and they sure wasn't owned by black people. My house looked like a little shack compared to this.

"Where are we" i asked still admiring the house

She laughed "my house where else"

"Your house! This is beautiful but im confused. How do you stay here but go to school there and why do you walk when you have those?" i said as i pointed in the direction of the cars

"This was my grandmas house when she died she gave it to her daughter which is my mom. I dont want people talking to me or trying to be my friends because i have money." She said as she got out the car while I sat there like a bump on a log. " you gonna get out or sleep in the car"

When we walked in I wanted to faint it was beyond beautiful words couldn't describe the inside. There was a crystal chandelier hanging in front of a spiral stair case. I looked around at the paintings they were amazing. We walked into the kitchen where her mom was. They could e twins except her mom is a shade or two lighter.

"Ma this is Krystal, the girl I've been telling you about."

"You've been talking about me." I asked surprised

"Talk about its the only thing she talks about. I feel like I already met you"her mom said.

"No I don't she's exaggerating I may have mentioned you once or twice. Anyway ma she needed somewhere to stay so I told her she could stay here. Is that okay?"

"Yea honey you can Stay as long as you like we have more than enough room. Jay go show her around an introduce her everybody anther her settled in dinner will be ready in a little bit"

"Thank you Mrs..."I paused so she could tell me her name.

" 'Mrs' girl I am not that old" she laughed "just call me Lorrane and don't mention it"

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