Can we talk

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"Let me introduce you to everybody first This is Lexi, Mark, Terrence, and Cameron. This is Krystal" She said as she pointed to everybody.

"This the girl you always talk about. She's pretty" Lexi said

I looked at jay and smiled then looked back at lexi "thank you"

We walked back to the front of the house and headed upstairs.

"So you've been talking about me" I said as we entered what im guessing was her room. It was pretty much clean. Other than a few clothes laying on the floor

"Something like that. Make yourself comfortable because this is where you will be sleeping"

"Your room?"

"Do you have a problem with that"

"No i was just asking"

She smiled "good because i could have given you the guests room but i guess you wanna sleep under me"

I didn't reply i just watched her as she stripped down to her sports bra and boxers me looking away wasn't an option. Her body was perfect and her 6 pack I wanted to faint she turned around and there they were back dimples. If someone didn't come and fan me i might just have a heart attack

"You liking the view?"

"No i was just...looking at your tattoo? "Which i didn't notice until now it was praying hands and a woman's name which im assuming was her grandmothers.

"Im going to take a shower. You wanna join me" she smiled

I started to speak when i heard the door shut and she was gone. I pulled out my phone and seen i had hella missed calls and messages most of them were from my so called mother but one specific number I knew by heart stood out to me "(404)-600-0339" it was Kevin. I wanted to open it but again i didn't but i did anyways.


I stared at the message debating on if i should call or not. As soon as i start to get over him he wants to walk back in my life and the way my life is going right now i don't think that would be a good idea.

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