Chapter 8

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I woke up at dawn the next morning, my body clock was hard to break after a decade and a half of having the same schedule. As tired as I was, I knew it would be useless to try and go back to sleep, I would just have to go to bed earlier tonight. First thing first, I out on my riding trousers and walked to the stables, just to see who else was awake. The sun was not yet peeking above the horizon and the palace was empty. I made it to Kurt's stall without encountering anyone but once I got there, Sleipnir bombarded me with questions.

"Why did you run off yesterday? No, scratch that, how did you do it? Where did you go?"

"Woah, slow down there. I just had a lot on my mind and needed to be alone. Loki, being as curious as he is, would not have let me go until he got answers. If I told you how, it would spoil the fun, and I went to the library." I went into Kurt's stall and began brushing him down.

"But didn't Mother find you?"


"Yes, Loki went looking for you after you ran off." Oh yeah...I'd forgotten about that minor detail.

"No, he never found me, it was close though."

"Speaking of Loki, here comes Mother now." How had I failed to notice his approach? He was ten feet away!

"Morning, Slei." Sleipnir whickered, "And Arista." Loki added once he noticed me.

"Loki." I gave him a brief glance before turning my attention back to the tangles in Kurt's mane.

"Are you going out?"


"May I have the pleasure of joining you?"

"If you wish, it's been awhile since I've ridden here."

"You had a horse before?" I laughed.

"Not a horse and I didn't keep her in a stall." I began picking out his hooves, "Are you going to bring Sleipnir or do you have another horse?"

"I don't have a mount officially, I have an aptitude for shapeshifting."

"Ah. Well, in that case, feel free to saddle up Susie, I was going to have to ride her at some point today anyway." Loki was about half a foot taller than me but Susie was no pony, he would be able to ride her without any trouble.

"You could always have a stable hand do it for you." Loki pointed out.

"Really? They do that now? Alright, I just might have to consider that. You don't have to take her if you don't want to, I'm sure Thor won't mind if you stole his horse for the morning."

"Perhaps that will give him the idea to get me my own." Loki said thoughtfully, "There is an annual ball coming up in a couple weeks and it is customary to exchange gifts."

"I remember but as I recall, a horse is a rather large gift, even for an occasion like that." I pointed out.

"Limiting what I ask for is one thing, limiting what I get is another. Besides, it can be from Mother and Father as well."

"Good point. So are who are you taking?"

Loki saddled up Thor's horse, a beautiful white stallion, and led the way out of the stables.

"Beach or forest?"

"Forest. I want to see if something is still there."

"Then I suggest you lead the way." Loki slowed the stallion down and waited for me to pass.

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