Chapter 111

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It seemed that Sam's open attitude to my presence was an oddity. Everyone else my identity had been revealed to had instantly become suspicious, refused to shake my hand, and asked at least one personal question. Would I do the honorable thing and turn myself in to the feds? How did it feel to be the wife of a war criminal? When I wasn't on Earth, where was I? Would I give them a DNA sample? Just how extensive were my shifting abilities? Along with some rather offensive comments when I let slip my ability to change sex at will. Perhaps the most annoying person there was a journalist Stark had had several one night stands with since the start of his career. When I answered her questions, she would quickly scribble something down on her hand or arm with a felt-tipped pen. I quickly realized what she was up to and shut my mouth whenever I caught her nearby.

Dr. Banner had arrived at six on the dot, and Stark had followed five minutes later. I wanted to ask what they'd been up to, but couldn't get them alone long enough to ask. As soon as he arrived, Tony had nearly dragged me over to meet his military friend Rhodey. That was probably the most disheartening encounter of the evening.

"Rhodes, I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is–"

"I know who she is, Tony. Arista McIntosh. The shapeshifter, and the wife of Loki the war criminal."

"Well don't go judging books by their covers."

"I'm not. Out of all the Avengers, you caused the most collateral damage and then you left the next day to defend your husband at his trial."

"That's correct. I was his legal representation." He scoffed.

"There's such a massive conflict of interest there it's disgusting." I narrowed my eyes.

"And your country's court history is so spotless." I couldn't help the venom dripping from my words, "So you lived here during the women's rights movements?"

"You may have lived here, but you're the one who chose to be a woman during that time!"

"Rhodes! Simmer down."

"Friend of Stark, that's enough." Thor's hand fell on my shoulder, "Any further insult directed at my sister will also be directed at me."

"Come join me behind the bar. Let's make some drinks."

"I need some air." I prepared to shoulder my way through the crowd, but found that most moved out of my way. I went out onto the balcony. It was a cold night, so nobody else was out here. I sighed, I knew I shouldn't have let him push my buttons like that. But he was a military colonel. I'm not sure why I expected anything different, perhaps because he was a friend of Tony's? Or had I hoped for his approval so I would have an ally in the military? I didn't know. In any case, I raised my head so I could feel the cold wind against my cheek, and in my imagination, it was a caress of comfort from Loki.

I stayed outside for a few more minutes, collecting my thoughts, but soon went back inside. I intended to join Natasha at the bar, but Thor called me over.

"You want some?" He waved his flask around. Steve was standing with him, and they were surrounded my WWII vets.

"Sure." I selected a shot glass and held it out. Thor poured about a couple sips worth from the flask.

"I gotta have some of that."

"Oh no, no, no, no. You see, this was aged for a thousand years in the barrels build from the wreck of Grunhel's fleet. It was not meant for mortal men." He put a few drops in a glass for Steve. With his increased metabolism, he'd probably be able to handle it.

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