Chapter 12

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Ok, so that's what her eyes look like.  Ignore the pale skin

Arista's POV

I smiled sadly as he jumped back at the sight of my natural eyes,  I had known there was little hope of him accepting me for who–what I really am.  A monster.  The last of my kind.

"I hate to say I told you so."

"No, Arista–" He resumed his former position by my side.

"It's ok, Loki.  This is why I use an illusion.  You're the first person to see me without it in almost five thousand years."

"Just how old are you?"

"I think you know the answer to that Loki."

"Who was it?"

"Your grandfather."

"Bor?" I nodded an affirmative.  There was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" I shut my eyes.

"Loki, I thought you said she was awake."

"I am.  In my suitcase, there should be a box in the zipper pocket.  Bring it here."

"You need to eat, dear."

"I know but I also need the box."

"Would you mind Loki?" I felt his eyes on me.

"Not at all." He got up and the mattress sank down once more.  I heard the sound of metal against wood.

"I brought you something."

"I can smell that.  Freshly cooked pheasant in gravy, grapes, and a warm pastry.  Since I cannot smell a drink, I can only assume you brought water."  I wished I could see the flabbergasted look on Frigga's face.

"Here." I felt Loki press the box into my hand. Along with something else.  One of my rings.

"Where did you get that?!"  I demanded once I had slipped it on my finger and drawn upon its energy enough for an illusion.  The energy from my first ring was all but depleted.

"The box opened for me." So it wasn't just me in the first stages, my enchanted possessions were too.  His fingerprint had to be what triggered it.

"How?" I began to eat.

"I still don't know.  I tried using my eye like you had but that just made a case of impenetrable metal appear.  I was messing with it and it just opened."

"Fascinating.  Can you get it?" I had slipped a pair of contacts in my eyes when I thought Frigga wasn't looking. 

I honestly had forgotten she was there.  I thought she'd left.  This meant that she probably had something to tell me that I wasn't going to be happy about.

"Alright.  What did he do now?" Frigga didn't even bother trying to give me the innocent act.

"Odin has...put you under room arrest.  You are to stay here unless you are required on Vanaheim."


"I have spoken with him already.  His decision is set in stone.  I am sorry.  You will not be able to leave but others will be able to come in and keep you company.  A master of magic will come by in a few minutes to place the binding charm."

"You can't do that!"

"Why isn't father having me do it?  I am the most logical choice!  Does he not trust me to get the job done right?"

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