Chapter 22

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Guys, I am so, so, SOOOOO sorry I didn't update yesterday or Saturday!!!! I hope you guys can forgive me, I had a play both nights and spent both days rehersing so by the time I got home, showered, and makeup off, I was ready to collapse. I'm soooooo sorry!!!! PLEASE don't kill me!!!

"Before we begin our meal, I am pleased to announced that the annual ball will take place three days from now, beginning at sunset and continuing through the night until sunrise. The theme will be masquerade. All masks must cover the entire face, only the eyes and lips may be showing. It is designed that way so that gifts can be given anonymously if you so wish it. All people are invited and due to that, the masks can be made of any material and any sort of magic can be used to disguise your appearance however, you are not required to tell anyone what your outfit will be, nor will anyone, my wife and I included, be permitted to use magic to see through the masks of others. The only other restriction is that the mask must match the color scheme of the rest of your outfit and the color, or colors, must reflect something about you. With that said, let the feast begin!" As soon as he was done speaking, I began thinking about what I was going to do. I already knew that I was going to do something with blue, it wouldn't be that obvious to Loki and I already had a mask back on Earth that I wanted to use. The only catch would be I would have to travel back there to get it. The only issue was that the mask also had gold in it and I already knew I didn't have that many duo chrome dresses and those I did have were not blue and gold. The closest they got were blue and silver. I was going to have to nose around in Earth style and fashion to find a dress that would fit my needs, just about any dress would be better than one I designed. The only problem with this whole thing was that I was going to go back to Earth for a day or two. Not that that was a major issue, it wasn't really, but it could potentially cause me quite a bit of trouble if Jane came by while I was there, it would only lead my down a dark path full of lies. Beginning with my reaction to the mark of the BiFrost, to my disappearance, to my missing horses, to how quickly I vanished again. I could only hope that she didn't come by. She and I had been friends since we were in high school and I didn't want to lose her friendship, even if we had completely different interests.

Next came the matter of the gifts. Each member of the royal family had to get one from me. Knowing Frigga, she wouldn't want people to spend a lot of time or money on her so a simple dress would do, Thor had always liked weapons, even as a child. A new sword, perhaps? Odin was a wild card, I had gotten him several different things over the years, ranging from paper weights to carvings on his bedroom walls. In fact, surprisingly, the one I would have the most trouble with was Loki. I knew he wanted a horse but they were so expensive that I doubted I would be able to buy one without attracting unwanted attention, especially with the two I had already. The whole point is to be discrete about purchasing the gift as well as giving it. I thought briefly about a dragon tack but then again, I had no idea just how large his dragon was going to get so no saddle. The saddle wouldn't last forever anyway, if I had him use one at all. If he could ride a horse bareback, he could ride a dragon bareback. The only catch would be he would have to be careful where he sat. It had taken me about a year to find the right spot on Kayerith's back. If I sat anywhere else, even for a short flight, I could get of with blisters and cuts on my inner legs from her scales and, worst case scenario, I wouldn't walk properly for a week. So no. No saddle. I could give him the scrolls back but that would take away his ignorance towards my kind and therefore his shield. Absolutely out of the question. A book perhaps? One that was not in the library and that he has not read? Unlikely that I find one in three days and a book was more like something you would receive from an acquaintance, not a soul mate. My mind ran in circles, working overtime trying to come up with a suitable present, other than a horse, for Loki.

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