Chapter 61

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When we landed, we were instantly hit with the dry heat of the New Mexico desert air. When I looked around, I saw that we were actually on my property.

"The town is this way, let's go." We didn't have much time, so I shifted into my horse form to carry Volstagg, who was the slowest runner of them all. I shifted back just before we reached the village and we all walked in together. I was painfully out of place, even among my Asgardian company. They were all dressed in the garb of warriors while I was in queenly attire. My high heeled shoes were making it difficult to walk on the bumpy road. It was a quiet morning, no cars running and there was almost nobody out in the streets. However, those that were out were gawking. All but two.

"We're being watched. The roof of the left building. Not local law enforcement, could be the FBI...."


"Nothing, one of you take care of them." Volstagg left the group.

"Jane's lab is that building there. Hopefully–" I cut myself off. "We're in luck, Thor's inside." But there was something wrong with the lab. All of her equipment was gone!

"He is wearing mortal garb!"

"Come, let us surprise him!" They ran up to the door, and Volstagg pounded on the glass.

"Found you!" Darcy and Jane were inside too, and so was Jane's father's friend. Eric Something. Darcy and Erik both dropped their glasses but Jane didn't have anything to drop. It actually took her eyes a couple seconds to find me behind the four warriors, in fact, she didn't until they went in and I stayed outside.

"I don't believe it."

"Oh, excuse me, the Lady Sif, the Warriors Three, and Arista, Queen of Asgard." Jane walked towards me.

"Arista?" She didn't recognize me.


"Arista, you have to get out of here! There were men here, SHIELD, or whatever, but they took all my stuff, they took your note and all the jewelry you gave us! If they find you–"

"I'll escape easily. I'll be fine."

"But these men–"

"I promise. It won't matter."

"Then you'll disappear again. This time forever."

"I may go away for a bit, but not forever. I promise."

"Ok." She gave me a hug, which I returned readily.

"I missed you."

"Then why didn't you visit?"

"I have no excuse for that. I hope I will be able to tell you why one day. But not now."

"Is it true? What he said. Are you a queen?"

"Only temporarily. The situation is....complicated. I know that is the only explanation I have ever offered and I do not expect you to accept it anymore but right now, if it all I can offer."

"So who are you to Jane?" Erik had approached me.

"She was the best friend I always talked about. You never actually met her."

"I think I remember you talking about her as a child." He turned to me, "So who are you really? An Asgardian?"


"A human?"



"Then what are you?"

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