Chapter 1: Recruited

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The slide changed on the screen in front of me. A beach with rolling waves and palm trees swaying in the breeze was before me. I shifted my colors into the scene; it was hardly a challenge. The Professor had been showing me this slide since I had arrived . By "shift", I mean camouflage. I had the mutant ability to change color which meant that if I knew my surroundings, which wasn't hard due to my photographic memory, I could blend into the scenery. It came especially helpful when I was walking outside with the humans. My rainbow hair and light gray eyes didn't exactly fit in with the crowd. I suppose it was a neat trick, but it was hardly as cool as Rogue's ability to kill with a touch or Shadowcat's ability to phase through walls.

The slide changed again. This time I shifted into a forest background. My clothes didn't entirely shift with me. I could only shift the colors of organic materials. Currently I was dressed in black spandex-like shorts and a tight black similarly made material shirt. Beast wanted to see what materials work and what materials don't. He wanted to design the perfect uniform for me.

"Alright," he growled over the intercom, "that's enough. Thank you Prism."

I went to my room. It was fairly big and spacious. It had a bed, a painting eisle, and a window. The walls were decorated with paintings. Now, I know what your thinking. What kind of name is Prism? It is what I chose to call myself when I originally came to this school. It was my mutant name. There was a knock on my door.

"What?" I asked.

"Nice to see you too," said my best friend Wild. She wore a pink tank top and denim shorts. The pink flattered her green skin perfectly. Yes, green, as in lime green. Wild worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. as a pilot. Since she was gone most of the time, I got exceptionally bored.

"What do you want?" I groaned. This was how I treated my friends. If they can't handle you at your worst, then they can't be your best friend.

"I've got someone who wants to talk to you."

"Unless it is a cute boy than I don't want to hear about it."

As if on cue, my phone received a FaceTime message. I looked at it, debating whether or not to end this conversation. Wild seemed to understand my dilemma.

"We'll talk later," she said, leaving.

"Thanks," I said, truly meaning it. Knowing who was calling, I manipulated my hair from its usual rainbow to blond and my eyes from gray to blue. I picked up the phone and answered it. A face of a boy with dark hair and chocolate eyes appeared on the screen in front of me. It was my friend, Kasper. We had become friends when I was in fifth grade. Our classes had to have pen pals. At first, I had been disappointed that I hadn't gotten a girl for a pen pal. Now, he was my best friend, even more so than Wild.

"Hey," I said with a smile.

"Hey," Kasper replied. He lived in London so he had a British accent. I teased him endlessly about it. Not that I didn't like his accent, but if I got him in the right mood he sounded more like James Bond than like he did right now. It only happened when he was deadly serious and he always made sure we were even by making fun of my 'Murican accent.

"What do you want," I said, making sure to add extra sarcasm.

"To talk."

"No duh. What about?" He grinned at me as I said this.

"My family is going to move soon."

"Where to?"

"America. I don't know where specifically but my dad got a job there," he hesitated before continuing, "I don't really want to move, though. I am going to miss all of my friends here and I don't want to have to adjust to a new school and new friends. Plus, you Americans are exceptionally difficult and stubborn people."

There it was. He probably felt awkward about telling me this so he was trying to joke it away. I wasn't going to let him get away with this, though.

"You'll be fine. Besides, sometimes change is good. Meeting new people is hard but I have a feeling you'd become popular within a week. No worries," I said in attempt to sympathize.

"Isabelle," he said, using my real name, "there is something else I need-," he began but was interrupted by Wild bursting into my room. She was offscreen so Kasper couldn't see her. By 'we'll talk later' she meant 'I will give you a few minutes.' So considerate.

"Kasper, I am going to have to call you back. Something apparently really important just came up. Talk later, okay?"

"Okay, bye Izzy."

"Bye." He was the only one allowed to call me that.

Wild dragged me down the hall at a rapid rate. We passed students of the school and teachers as they gave us strange looks.

"Any particular reason that this couldn't wait?" I asked as we walked.

"My boss wouldn't wait. He wants to offer you a job."

"Who's your boss? Wait, don't you work for S.H.I.E.L.D?"

She didn't answer and instead dragged me outside to a man dressed in a black leather trench coat and had a black eye patch.

"Ah," he began, "Miss Prism, is it?"

"The one and only."

"I have a job proposition for you. I am Director Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. You have specific talents that could be helpful to us."

"And what job would that?" I said, critically.

"Information recovery mostly, but we may need you to do a couple stealth operations. You will be a super spy."

That idea sounded thrilling. The idea that came into my mind was that I would be the American James Bond. I would learn to use a gun and visit tropical islands in search of enemy bases. But there was just one more question nagging me.

"What's the pay?" I asked.

"It is a high-risk, high-reward situation," he answered. I liked his answer. For me, there would be no risk. I could camouflage and I had a fast regeneration. I didn't like talking about because it was hard to explain. Plus, if was better kept secret.

"Do we have a deal?" Fury asked while stretching out his hand. I took it.

"Deal," I said.

A/N- hey guys. Thanks for reading. Disclaimer- I do not own any marvel or DC characters that may appear in this crossover. I do not own Wild (she is my sister's oc). If you liked this, go read my other young justice story called Reborn.

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