Chapter 2: Jungle Mission

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It had been a year since I'd joined S.H.I.E.L.D. Since I had, I had traveled the world. I shot villains with this gun that Beast had made for me. It had two kinds of ammunition: a tranquilizer and a liquid that temporarily stopped genetically inherited super powers. I had gotten a new uniform (completely organic) that was styled like the S.H.I.E.L.D. uniform that most agents wore. I had a utility belt that held my ammunition and some other cool stuff I had gotten over the months. My uniform had the logo from the X-men. All-in-all, I loved my job.

Which was what I was currently doing. I was currently in a S.H.I.E.L.D. issued jet driven by Wild on my way to the Amazon. On the way, I reviewed the mission requirements. There had been several shockingly large energy waves detected in the Amazon jungle.  S.H.I.E.L.D. had told me to find out what they were doing there, who 'they' were, and blow it up if necessary. There was only one restriction; do not engage. Whatever was happening, do not interfere. Call S.H.I.E.L.D. All this I considered as Wild landed the jet. I walked up to her.

"Give me three hours, no more. If I don't come back by then, tell Fury I'm dead. Or late."

She looked worried for me. Though, she knew better than to stop me. Last time she tried, I had just ignored her.

"You better come back," she said.

"I always do," I said in attempt to reassure her.

As I left the jet, I turned north. It was midnight, but my body coursed with energy; adrenaline kept me awake. I kept my eyes open. This was both a precaution and a means of defense. My camouflage only worked if I blended into it and knew what I was camouflaging into. Who knew what animal was currently watching me? It would be best to remain vigilant.

According to the information gathered by S.H.I.E.L.D., the base wouldn't be too far. The information was right. The base wasn't too impressive. It had several generators but other than that they didn't have much technology. Their base consisted of several tents and a bunch of nerds, I mean scientists. I knew better than to let my guard down though. There could be all kinds of tech in those tents.

Shifting into the nearest tent's color, I moved to the side of said tent. I didn't have to worry about casting a shadow because it was midnight. I rushed inside as a scientist entered and ducked behind a piece of equipment. I had purposely ducked into the tent that had seemed to have the most scientists bustling about. Still camouflaged, i peeked out from behind the equipment.

I turned on my wrist computer (S.H.I.E.L.D. issued). I used it mostly to download data so I could give it to Fury. Today, I used it to download what they were working on. I stealthily moved to the big computer that I had seen some scientists use. Then, I plugged my wrist computer's chord into a small port thingy on the side (I don't speak computer). The information silently downloaded. When it had finished, I felt an intense pain in my head.

"Psimon can't hear you, Psimon can't see you," a voice said (Psimon?), "But Psimon can catch you."

Putting on a false bravado, I said, "And just how do you plan on doing that?"

"By making you sleep. Psimon  says SLEEP!"

My vision turned black. A sudden exhaustion took over me. Here is the thing. I don't stay shifted when I sleep. I revert back to normal, well as normal as I could get. As I was fighting consciousness, I realized that he was a telepath. He knew my weaknesses and strengths. I had no defense for his attack. All this I realized as I passed out.


I woke up feeling drained. Well, not exactly woke up. My mind was active, but my body couldn't move. I couldn't even open my eyes. My body hurt and ached. My mind felt like it had been shredded. All I knew right then and there had been pain-anything else was like a distant memory.

After what felt like an eternity, the pain began to leave. But it was only a small reprieve. Soon, whoever my tormentors were, they attacked my mind. Old memories and painful nightmares plagued me. I realized I could move my limbs again because I began to struggle against my bonds. How much more of this could I endure before my sanity broke?

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