Chapter 3: The Team

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Aqualad's P.O.V.

The team was in perfect cohesion. The solidarity of the team made it almost impossible for the Cadmus scientists to escape. This was Batman's order: find out what Cadmus was working on. We had always had reason to suspect Cadmus as working on something secret. That suspicion has only grown since we had found out about the clones.

Superboy and Ms. Martian had taken care of the guards at the back entrance of a small dilapidated warehouse. Was this really where Cadmus operated?

"This is where the intel. has come through?" asked Kid Flash through M'gahn's mind link.

"Yes," I replied, "the League intercepted several communications going to an unknown buyer. We must find out who the buyer is and what they bought."

We crept inside the building. Only a few remaining scientists and guards remained. We took out the guards and tied the scientists up with them. The team began to look for clues as to who our mystery buyer must be.

"Guys, check this out!" said Robin,"I found something that might help."

We found Robin by the computer he had hacked. On it, was a list of names. Sportsmaster and Cobra were definitely on there. It looked like Cheshire had been hired, perhaps to guard the item that was purchased.

"What could be so important to require so much guarding?" Superboy wondered out loud.

"Perhaps a weapon or a weaponized G-nome," suggested Kid Flash.

"Over here!" called Artemis. When I got there, I saw a large capsule-much like Superboy's had been. It looked smaller and sleeker. It had a power button. I pressed it.

When I pressed the button, different scenes flashed within the tube. A beach, a zoo, an ocean, and many others flashed by in a seemingly random pattern.

"Why would they have this?" I pondered.

"What kind of G-nome would require new scenery every three seconds?" Kid Flash said unhelpfully.

"Let's find out." Robin said as he hacked into the computer, "Here we go. Project Prism. The goal was to have a successful weapon that would do anything her 'masters' said. Apparently,  she could camouflage."

"Wait...she? This weapon is female?" I asked.

"And Prism? Like the superhero in the Marvel comic books? She could camouflage. Give you a bet that they are talking about her," Kid Flash said.

"Don't be ridiculous! They would never try to make a superhero from your dumb comics. Besides, it says that the project went unsuccessfully. They couldn't get the genetics right," Artemis said, rolling her eyes.

"We bring this to the League's attention. Let us go before they call for help," I said out loud.

When we got back, we told Batman what we had discovered. We told them of Cheshire's involvement and the project's abilities. This seemed to surprise the masked hero. Wally unhelpfully shared his idea on how Project Prism and the comic book Prism were related. Batman glared at him.

"The League will handle this. Good job," said Batman as he walked over to the zeta tubes.


Prism's P.O.V.

I woke up, completely this time, in a strange place. I was in a small cell with chains around my wrist. There was an IV coming out of my arm. Fury possessed me and, though it was hard, ripped my IV out. Pain racked my head.

"Look at that," a smooth female voice said, "She doesn't think she needs the pain killer.

I looked up and saw the person that the voice belonged to. She wore a cat mask that had a creepy grin. Her presence reeked of overconfidence. To show I was unafraid, I stared straight into her eyes.

"And tough too," said a different voice. Another woman walked into the room. She wore a blood red dress that had a slit that went above her knee. A tattoo of a snake or dragon went from her leg to her shoulder blade. She had glasses and her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. "She will make a really interesting fighter in my ring."

I didn't like the sound of that. Not only was it dangerous, but she would be treating like an animal on display. That cut too deep. My parents, when they found out I was a mutant, had called me an animal and it still stung. I would bide my time, though, until I got a chance to strike. I would prove that I was more than an animal. I would prove that I was superior.

"If that is all of my services that you require, I'll take my money now," said the woman in the mask.

"Of course. This way, Cheshire," said the woman in the red dress. They walked away, leaving me to my own thoughts. Tomorrow, I would fight and then, I will escape.

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