Chapter 5: Wayne Manor

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Prism's P.O.V.

I ran as hard and long as I could. That was pretty long. Being a super spy for Fury has given me the endurance to run quite a while. I continued running until my heart felt like a drum and my lungs felt like they were on fire. Then, I ducked into an alleyway.

I shifted the color of my uniform and hair. Now my uniform looked like average street clothes. My hair was blonde. My eyes changed to blue. In order to see the oddness of my uniform, you'd have to be looking close. I left the alleyway and found the nearest bus stop. I paid for a ride to the last stop, though I didn't really pay attention to where that was.

I was exhausted. The previous night, I had hardly slept a wink. Stone floors were hard. The fight had sapped my strength incredibly. Then, I had used my last bit of energy to run.  But, I had to stay awake. If I fell asleep, my colors would return to normal and the bus driver would freak out. Last I checked, mutants weren't well liked.

I got off at the last stop and observed my surroundings. I walked into an alleyway in attempt to find a place to rest for the remainder of the night. My mistake. In the alleyway were three large men. They didn't look at all nice.

"Well, well, well..." began the first man. He had a gun in his hand.

"You have got to be kidding me," was all I said in response. Seriously? When I was so tired I felt like I could pass out and hadn't eaten all day, this had to happen? Taking these guys on yesterday would have been no problem. But my ability to heal, depended on if I ate enough. I had missed like three meals yesterday. Considering it was night already, I had missed another three today. I would not be healing if I got shot. Also, I was extremely hungry. That made it incredibly hard to think.

The men walked up to me. Surrounded, I began to get afraid. What did these men want?

"Give me all your money, girl!" The second man said.  Part of me felt really scared and wanted to comply. It was probably being more sensible. A different part said, Oh, no you don't. Your not getting my money.  My indecisiveness cost me time. While I was trying to come up with an answer, the men grew impatient. They were getting closer. I finally decided on doing something really stupid.

"I don't have any money," I lied. They didn't buy it. I began to gather myself. If I had to, I would fight. I focused on the largest threat, the man with the gun. Suddenly, a black shadow loomed over the man. I recognized the shape of the shadow, a bat, before a man in an armored uniform and cape kicked the first guy in the head. He crumpled to the ground, unconscious. Before the second guy could react, Bat-boy kicked him. It was a small tussle as the fight was largely in my defender's favor.

The third guy said, "What the-?" and then promptly collapsed on the ground. Bat-boy had delivered a mean blow to the guy's head. The man turned around. I was face-to-face with Batman. It was then that I knew that all of this was real. No way could this guy be a poser or fanboy. His moves were to good and only one person could master that stare. There was a sound behind me. I turned around to see Robin yet again.

"You again," I said dryly.

"Your welcome for the life-save," he said.

"It would have been a 'life-save', if my life was in danger."

"Your saying it wasn't?"

"Of course that is what I am saying," I lied. There was no way I was going to let this little creep get the best of me.

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