Chapter 6: The Annoying Team

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Prism's P.O.V.

I woke up with the cape wrapped around me. I was hesitant to take it off. The blanket was warm and secure. I was reminded of when my mother tucked me into bed and how much I treasured that memory. My mother... I wonder if she misses me.

I got up, shaking off the memory. No, she was the one that drove me away. She wouldn't miss me. After folding the cape, I placed it in a decent bag that I found in the dumpster. Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. I shifted my colors so that my hair was blond with a pink stripe and so that my outfit appeared like a white t-shirt and jeans. I left my eyes glassy gray.

Walking to where I had stashed Robin's (read: my) bike, I was careful to not attract attention to myself. I didn't want undo attention. Now sitting on the seat of the bike, I pushed a button that was on the center of the bike. The engine began to purr. Making my way out of the alley, I joined the early morning traffic on the street.

I rode the motorcycle for several hours. I didn't care where I was going, only that I was putting distance between Batman and myself. I really was not in the mood to deal with him right now. I also had to find a place to sort out the information that I managed to download, provided that the bad guys hadn't wiped it all from my wrist computer and that I had downloaded enough information. If I could find a way to track the thing that brought me here, than maybe I could find it and go home.

I paused on the side of the road at about 5:00 pm. The road was surrounded on both sides of the road by a cornfield. My legs had gone numb from sitting for so long. Getting up, I began to stretch and walk around a bit. Turning to face the way that I'd come, I noticed five motorcycles.

Knowing Robin was on one of those motorcycles (he had two?), I mounted my own and started the engine. Before I could begin to drive away from my pursuers, a yellow blur crossed my line of sight.

"Hey, beautiful," said the boy in the knock-off the Flash outfit, "You know we're chasing you, right? Thought you would be moving faster."

"Hey, stupid," I replied in the same haughty voice he had used, "If you don't move, I'll run you over."

Ignoring my comment, he said, "You know I'm the fastest boy alive right?"

"Then you'd better start running."

"Why? I don't fear you. What could you possibly do to me?" said ripoff Flash. As he spoke, the sound of the motorcycles behind me grew louder as they approached and then stopped.

"Hey, Prism! Give me back my motorcycle!" Robin called out behind me.

I looked behind me. I was surrounded by five people, not including Blur Boy in front of me. Two of them were girls. The first girl had a bow and was dressed in green. The other girl was green. Her skin was green. The rest were boys. One was Robin. Another one had gills. The next wore a shirt with the Superman "s". I am so done with Boy Wonder.

"Now see, if you really wanted the motorcycle, then you would have kept it under better security," was my response.

"It was in the Batcave!"

The girl with th green outfit said, "You know where the Batcave is?"

"Your name is Prism?" said the ripoff Flash.

"How do you keep changing color? And get off of my bike!" Robin asked.

I looked at the girl in green, "Yes", then looked at ripoff Flash and said "Yes", and finally I looked at Robin and said, "Genetics and fine." I climbed of the bike.

"Finally!" said Boy Wonder, as he claimed his motorcycle.

"Finally? It's been like a day at best. And you have another."

"That's his," he said, gesturing to Blur Boy.

"Where have you come from?" asked the one with the gills.

"Classified," I said.

"Tell us," said the one in the Superman shirt. He balled his fist as if he were preparing to punch me.

"Fine. An alternate dimension where you guys don't exist. That is truly the greatest place ever."

That shut them up for a few good seconds. Then, they started asking questions and demanding proof. One question in particular caught my attention.

"Are you the same Prism from the comic books?" asked ripoff Flash.

My eyes narrowed as I asked, "Who are you?" Venom filled my words.

"I'm Kid Flash. You know... The Flash's protégé."

"Heard of the Flash, but I've never heard of you. What did you mean by being a comic book character?" I continued.

"You know like the rainbow haired mutant from the Marvel comic books. She can camouflage and works for S.H.I.E.L.D. and has a healing factor."

I just stood there silently, gaping at him. How did he know this? Am I really a comic book character in this world? How much did he know about me? I was so surprised that I accidentally let my colors return to their natural state. Everyone took one step backward, except for the one in the Superman shirt.

"What? You afraid? Welcome to everyday of my life!" I said, angry at their fear.

"Nah. We were just surprised. We never expected that Kid Mouth was right," said the girl in the green shirt, "I'm Artemis, by the way."

Concentrating, I manipulated my color to its previous scheme. My outfit, however, I left it the way it was.

"Prism. Call me any other name and I will end you."

"You mean like Isab-" Kid Flash began.

"Don't call me that!" I demanded. Continuing to talk, I asked, "What are you gonna do with me? You can't lock me away without a reason."

"Without a reason? You stole from Batman," said the girl with green skin.

"Which you couldn't say to any member of the law without implying that I know where the Batcave is. And when they start asking, who knows? Maybe I'll start talking," was my replied, coolly.

"Are you threatening us?" asked the one with gills.

"Just a little. I need to remain free and the only way to ensure that is through this."

"Alert Batman. We need new orders," the one with gills said. Robin nodded and walked off a distance to make sure his conversation over the radio was not overheard. We waited in an awkward silence while he conferred with Batman. Oh, I just couldn't wait to find out what will happen.

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