Chapter 4: The Fight

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Prism's P.O.V.

After the two women had left, two men unlocked my chains and gruffly held me. They walked me over two a small cage and shoved me in. The door was locked behind me.

From what the woman in red had said, it sounded like a fighting ring for perhaps criminals. That would mean it was an underground fighting ring. But why would they want me to fight? All I could do was vanish. That wouldn't make for a very interesting fight.

As I pondered all of this, a female guard came in. She slipped a bag through the gaps between the bars. I opened the bag to see a uniform that was identical to the one that I was wearing, only this one didn't have holes. The woman turned around so that I could change. Not trusting that their weren't any cameras, I camouflaged and quickly dressed. Even the fabric that they had used was the same.

After I was done, the guard turned around and handed me my utility pouches. These had the explosives that I was planning to blow up the base with.

"Why did you give me this?" I asked, a bit confused as to why they would give me explosives.

"You'll need it for the fight. Besides," the guard said, "You can't use them in here without blowing yourself up."

I nodded in understanding. "Point taken," I said.

The guard left. So I was all alone in a cell. Technically, I could get out of the cage. But then what? I only knew how to get back to the room that I had awoken in. I didn't know how to get out or where this place was.

Unfortunately, all this alone time gave me way too much time to think. I kept replaying the scenes that they had shown me: my parents looking at me in horror when they found out I was a mutant, my own illegal imprisonment by the military, the experiments they had done. It was like they had only brought out the bad memories, as if an intelligent being had ripped through my mind and brought back every painful memory.

My mind wondered about the voice in my mind. Psimeon, he called himself. He was clearly a telepath. The only telepath that I had met in person was Charles Xavier. I wondered if my captors had other...things that could do that and if they were the ones that had caused me so much pain.

With these thoughts in my mind, I drifted into an unruly sleep.

I awoke the next day and paced my cell. I was nervous about fighting. Who would I fight? Did they have powers? How do I prepare for a fight, when I don't know whom I am to fight?

Later, a couple a guards unlocked my cell and dragged me to a large door. It opened. The guards pushed me through and closed the door behind me. There was another door of equal size on the other side of the room. I began to pace again. It was the only thing I could do with my adrenaline.

Slowly, and quite dramatically, the door rose. A bright light shine on me as I walked out. The cheering of a large crowd nearly deafened me. I did my best to remain calm and look confident. An announcer was talking and gesturing to the other side of the ring.

"- the famous Robin!" said the announcer. I only managed to hear the end.

Robin? Like Batman and Robin? The Dynamic Duo? But he didn't exist. Robin was just a comic book character. It must just be some lame kid in a costume, I thought, Now I am gonna feel bad beating him up.

He entered the ring. The boy had the most accurate costume that I had ever seen. "Robin" looked confused, which did nothing to help his image.

We met each other in the center of the ring. At the insistence of the announcer, we shook hands. If he was nervous, it didn't show in his firm handshake and now confident demeanor. In order to rattle him, I flashed an overconfident smile. I backed up a few paces and he did the same.

He launched at me, kicking and punching. I countered making precise hits and blocks. He couldn't land any hit or kick on me.  But I managed to land plenty on him. He staggered away and I allowed him a small reprieve.

While he was recovering, I shifted into the background which I had looked at while fighting.  I walked around the ring, continuing to watch "Boy Wonder." As he began to recover, he began to look for me. I knelt next to the side of the ring and planted a small round bomb.

I approached Robin and shifted back into my usual colors. I punched him. He fell down on his back. Quickly recovering, he kicked me. I was unable to defend myself in time. He pinned me to the ground.

"I know you can't be here by choice. Let me help you get out of here," said Robin.

"Help me? I am trying to escape, thank you very much. I already have a plan. I don't need your help," I replied angrily, my pride insulted. I pushed him off with my legs. We connected again. This time it was a contest of strength. Both of us were trying to knock the other down. He succeeded in knocking me down.

"Alright, you just have to tell me what to do. We can break out together," he said.

"Forfeit the fight. My plan will only work if your on the ground writhing."

"What?" he asked dubiously.

"Trust me," I said, shoving him away gruffly.

He threw the match for me. I didn't soften my blows though. The people running this stupid fight would notice if I let up on him. I left him gasping for air on the ground and shifted in to the background again.

I crept over to the other side of the arena. Directly across the first bomb, I planted another. I made my way over to Robin just as he was getting up. Shifting back again, I shoved him to the ground. Out of my utility belt, I pulled out a trigger and pushed it. The bombs blew up. People ran out in a panic, which revealed the exit to me. The heat burned my skin but quickly healed.

I got up and pulled Robin up too. He looked at me first in shock and then in anger.

"What?" I asked.

"You could have hurt them! Maybe even killed them," he exclaimed.

"So? Serves them right pitting two teenagers against each other and watching them like they weren't more than animals," I yelled back, clenching my fists.

"There are other ways to deal with people like that. You can't just-" he stopped. I had shifted into the background and was currently walking out the door.

He wouldn't understand. While I didn't want people hurt, I didn't have any other way out. What I had said was just a reflex. My emotions had gotten the better of me. I HATED being treated like an animal.

I made it to the street and hid in an alley. I'd stayed in worse places. My only problem was figuring out where I was because I certainly wasn't in the Amazon anymore.

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