Say That Shít

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Kelly & Cari's kids: Kaelan top left, Knight top right, Karma middle left, Kannon middle right

Cordell & Jayda's: Maleah bottom left, Zya bottom middle

Kyron and Jordyn's: Amari bottom right

The way you say you love me but I know you really hate me

It's all how you say that shít

You don't really love me, you just learn to tolerate me, look

It's all how you say that shít

I hear you gon' move in distance
You gon' tell me that we different

But that's all that you say

You don't really love me, you just learn to tolerate me

** Three going on four years later **

~ Cari ~

"Be careful Karma!" I yelled as she chased Amari through the living room and directly outside.

I felt a cool mid-October breeze run through the house and I looked at all the other kids outside for Kaelan's third birthday party.

I picked up Knight and took Kannon from Cordell, since it was around their usual nap times.

"Maleah! Kaelan!" I shouted as they did the same thing as Karma and Amari.

I huffed, as Kannon chewed on his small fingers and I moved my head so Knight wouldn't put my hair in her mouth.

"You think you could have any more?" Jayda chuckled, following me upstairs with her newborn, Zya.

"I could say the same for you, Cordell said he wanted a son," I giggled as we walked up the stairs.

"Nope. Two was my limit so I don't want anymore. Do y'all want more?" she asked as I put the twins in their individual cribs and Jayda put Zya next to Knight.

I sighed, cause I had Karma and Kaelan back to back, and I got over a year long break before I got pregnant again and had the twins, six months ago.

"I have no choice," I shrugged. "Fifth in counting, only a month along." I briefly touched my stomach.

"Aww," Jayda cooed. "You tell him?"

"No, I was tryna wait til my birthday next week or something and do it in a cute way, but the way he's acting, fuck that." I giggled.

He found out about Kaelan cause he walked in on me taking the test, and he found out about the twins because Karma's little big mouth kept saying 'baby' and touching my stomach.

"I cannot do all these kids with him barely here." I walked out the room with her following me down the stairs.

"You did four, what's another?" she asked.

I stopped in the middle of the spiral staircase and glared at her.

I heard a high pitched scream, and my heels clacked down the rest of the white marble stairs.

I walked to the living room where Kaelan ran into my legs, wrapping her arms around them.

"What's wrong?" I touched her head, trying not to touch the plastic tiara.

She was a girly tomboy, so she wanted a princess party with pink everything but wanted to wear jeans and have SpiderMan accessories and toys with it.

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