Epilogue (completed)

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Louisa's POV

I woke up in a hotel I found as soon as I got off the plane,I've been here for a week so far. I never want to go back to England or Australia never in my life, I haven't even got a single text from them at all. I crept crying thinking that they never even liked me but I'm over it now and ready to move on, I haven't met any boys yet, I heard they're coming over here as soon as their time at the boarding school finishes.

I got up off my queen sized bed and went to brush my teeth and change into my clothes for the day, I had a job at a local bar. I changed my name so I wouldn't get found. I've been on the news the school saying I've went missing and that, my mum would be stressing and not dealing with it well. I got some blood from the fridge and grabbed my keys and drove to the mall to buy some clothes for tonight, I wanted to go to the club and have some fun. I passed my bar and saw Nicole was working.

I got into the mall and saw that it was packed with kids around my age and adults, I saw some boys check me out but I ignored them. I walked into a clothes shop and went over to the dress racks, I spotted the most beautiful black dress that was strapless. I checked the price and it was $99.99 dollars I decided to get it and I got some shoes and a purse. I payed and walked out deciding if I should get lunch or not, I heard some whistles and a gang of boys were looking at me and winking. I rolled my eyes and kept walking, I decided to get lunch resulting in a wrap with lettuce,cheese and tomato.

"Get your fucking hands off me now" I warned, he grinned before tightening his grip on me.

"And what are you gonna do?" I heard him say, before his mates laughed along.

"I'll make you regret even looking at me" he chuckled with his mates.

"How?" I looked him in the eyes, before hearing footsteps .

"Is everything ok here?" I looked at the security guard and shook my head before the boy let go of me, I walked away looking behind me to see them looking at my ass.

*That Night*

I finished getting ready I walked to my car and drove to a club, I parked my car and showed the bouncer my I.D. I walked in and saw multiple people dancing, drinking and making out. I walked over to the bar and got some shots.

I had multiple shots and then I started to get dizzy, I made my way over to the dance floor and started to dance. I felt men's hands start to grab me.

"Fancy seeing you again" I heard the same voice from that boy from the mall. I tried to get out of his grip but it didn't work.

"I know what you are" he whispered in my ear.

"What am I then?" I asked back.

"Your are half vampire and half demon" he answered back.

"How do you know?" I said.

"Because I have been watching you since you left that, stupid dumb ex boyfriend of yours" he replied before turning me around to face him. I saw him dressed up looking nice.

"What do you want with me?"

"You and all of you" he answered before smirking.

"Let me go" I demanded.

"No" he replied before I tried to get out of his grip, using my vampire strength. He still held on.

"What are you?" I asked.

"Like you but a bit stronger"

"So your an older vampire"

"Yes I was made a few hundred years ago, but that's another story, anyway your coming with me" I started pulling away from him, but he dragged me out of the club.

"Let me go you asshole!" I yelled at him. He looked at me and pinned me up against a wall in an alley.

"Your very mouthy ain't you, that's what makes me so intrigued in you" he said before bringing his face closer.

"We'll the feeling isn't mutual" I replied.

"How about I make it mutual" he was about to kiss me, before I saw him being thrown away from me. I saw the back of the person I don't really want to see right now. I saw the boy run away. He person that threw him turned around and looked at me, I looked into his eyes noticing they weren't blue but green.

"Matt" I said before he smiled at me.

"I missed you" he replied.

A/N hoped you guys liked the ending of the book, but hope this makes you want to read the next one. Comment what you thought.




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