Boarding School from hell (one direction vampire fan fiction)

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I'm walking to my dorm,it's late at night and it's really creepy.. I hear a scream coming from the MDT block,I walk towards the MDT block and I hear a girls voice.

"Please don't hurt me I don't want to die" she said out of the shadows five people came out and one with curly hair pinned her up against the wall.

"See we can't do that and we're hungry and you're our next meal so be quiet and it'll all be over in a second" he said I saw his face go into the crook of her neck and it looked like he bit into her. All of the boys ran to her and bit into her. I gasped they stopped and looked around and went back to feeding. She was screaming bloody murder,they continued I wasn't going to stay here. So I backed up not looking where I was going and ran into the garbage bin making a big noise.

"Guys we're not alone here" one of them said,oh great why am I so clumsy.

"Zayn,go check" one of them said he came towards where I was I ran as fast as I could. I looked behind me and he was standing there looking at me I kept running and I ran into something hard.

"where do you think your going" he said.
Oh no.

A/N ok guys this is the new story and don't worry the people that wanted to be in the book your characters will come in soon.
So comment me what you think of the prologue.

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