Chapter 2: Vanilla Cupcakes

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Song: Looking Up by Paramore


"Did you get your assignments turned in this morning?"

I looked at my mom from across the table and my mind went blank.

She raised the cup of coffee to her lips, still eyeing me over the rim.

"I haven't even started," I admitted. "I'll do it before I go to work, don't worry. Do you need me to open the bakery today?"

She sat the cup down and nodded. "Your dad and I are going to take Grandma to her doctor's appointment in a few. I just have to wait for him to get back and we'll leave."

"Okay. Where's Jason?"

"Early class this morning." She stood up and took her coffee cup to the sink. "I'll give you your keys and your phone back, but only for today. Got it?"

"Yeah, Mom." I took the last bite of my cereal and took my bowl to the sink.

I rushed back up the stairs to get ready. Jeans were always my go to on any occasion, and it's definitely one of those occasions. Then I found a black sweater with white polka dots scattering around the fabric. I dressed quickly, brushed my teeth, and then put my hair into a ponytail before putting on a pair of shoes and packing up my computer. Not only did I need my computer, I needed my textbooks and a few notebooks. So I packed that up in my backpack too before rushing back down the stairs.

My mom was waiting by the stairs, my phone in one hand and my keys in the other. "Did you forget you lost your wallet?"

"Shit," I hissed and quickly covered my mouth. "Sorry."

She handed me my phone. "We'll drop you off and I'll be there to help when I get back. I should only be gone for a couple of hours."

"I think I can handle a couple of hours, Mom. Is Stacy working today?"

"Yeah, but she doesn't come in until ten. So you'll have to make due on your own until then."

"Like I said, I think I can handle it," I replied lightly.

"Dad's waiting in the car, lets go."

She ushered me out the front door and I walked to the car. I climbed in the back seat with a small huff and closed the door.

Our bakery, also known as Enchanted Sweets, used to be run by my grandma. But as she got older, she could no longer take care of it so she passed it down to my mom and she was happy to take over. That was about five years ago. And that's also when I discovered my love for cupcakes. Not just eating them of course, but baking them. The possibilities with cupcakes are endless.

Now it's my favorite time to be in the bakery because Christmas is less than a month away and it's my best season if I'm being honest. Fall and winter have the best flavors to work with and that works in my favor.

When my mom asks me to work in the bakery, I'm all for it. I guess I have that going for me.

They dropped me off in front of the bakery as usual and my mom gave me the keys to open up. She hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head like she's sending me off on my first day of kindergarten. They drove off and I turned around to unlock the doors and head inside.

The first thing I did was turn on the lights and take the chairs down off the table.

You could tell my grandma decorated. Or at least had a majority of what went on in the process. I mean it is her bakery. The place was drenched in white and soft pinks, blues, and yellows. Mainly white, but it brightened the place up a lot. It looked and felt like a modern bakery and people loved it here including myself.

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