Chapter 11: Reset Cupcakes

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Song: Tear In My Heart by Twenty One Pilots


"I swear," My grandma started, "people are getting more crazy every day."

I looked at Jason and he looked back at me. My gaze returned to my grandma and I took a drink of my water. She's not wrong though. People in this world are crazy, but she has a different definition of crazy.

"Why's that, Mom?" Dad reached over and placed a hand over hers. Even though she's my mom's mom, Dad calls her mom too. She's the only mom he's ever known.

Grandma sighed. "Why are they celebrating Christmas in April? It's one thing to put Christmas decorations out a month early, but celebrating in April?" She shook her head, her face pinching in confusion.

My mom reached for her other hand. "Mom, I agree with you. People are crazy, but it's December. Christmas is in a week."

Grandma looked like she was going to fall out of her chair. "What?"

Mom nodded. "Remember I told you yesterday?"

"No," She said quickly. "You never told me that, Amy."

"Yes, Mom, I did."

"Well, where's Freddie? He should've been home by now."

The whole room went quiet. Talking about Grandpa Fred was always a touchy subject. He passed away almost two years ago and my Grandma has basically grieved herself to the point where she doesn't know what day it is. At first, we thought she was kidding. Then we considered maybe she dreamt all of it up. But when we considered these options, none played out right.

Mom tries to tell her, but Grandma denies it.

So we gave up on telling her and I know it's screwed up to keep telling her he's around when he's not. But if it keeps my grandma sane, my mom would do anything. "I think it's time for bed," My mom said softly. I knew she'd cry about this later. She always does. I wish there was something I could do to help her, but I can't bring her dad back.

We all stood from the table and took turns hugging Grandma and telling her bye. Jason and I walked outside while they put her to bed. We got in the backseat of the car and waited in silence.

They came out a few minutes later and Dad had his arm around her. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head before they parted and got in the car. The ride home was quiet, except my mom sniffling. This wasn't easy for her and she really doesn't need me adding to her stress. So I reached over the back of her seat and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. Seconds later she placed a hand over mine and squeezed.

We got home a little after nine-thirty. Mom didn't say anything and went upstairs to bed. Dad looked at Jason and I both and followed her up. I let out a sigh and my shoulders slumped.

"I'm going to Emily's," Jason murmured. "I'll call Mom in the morning."

All I could manage was a nod and Jason took off up the stairs. After a few moments, I went upstairs to my room too. I changed my t-shirt for a black tank top and a maroon cardigan. When I pulled out my ponytail, my waves fell down my back. It only took me a few minutes to pin it back out of my face. I left my black skinny jeans on and my shoes.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and scrolled through my phone for a few minutes. Jason left; I heard the front door closing. When the clock struck ten, I left the house as quietly as possible.

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