Chapter 4: Mommy's Rules

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Song: December by Neck Deep


Benji balanced himself on the railing of the overgrown track as he walked.

Tyler—the bassist—walked the other side with a cooler in his hand. One of the other band mates, who I found out is Mason, walked beside Tyler while keeping an eye on the cooler because Tyler was being a bit reckless. There's one other band member and he's quieter. His name is Evan and he's the drummer.

Mia and I walked on the tracks instead of the railing. I knew I'd probably end up tripping and falling on my face. Probably end up with a bloody nose and a few missing teeth...or possibly breaking a bone. I can just see it now and just thinking about it made my cheeks burn.

"Over here!" Mason called out.

Benji stepped off the railing and we walked across the tracks. Mason was standing near the edge of the woods, a bottle of beer already opened and tipped against his lips. Tyler pulled another beer out, popped the top off, and handed it to Benji. "Do you want one?" Tyler asked.

"Sure," I blurted without thinking.

Tyler smiled and opened another one before handing it to me.

Mia politely declined because she was the driver.

I took a long drink, ignoring the burning and bitter taste in my mouth. I've had beer before. A small taste, but it's something you don't really forget. No, I wasn't a fan. But for some reason I couldn't stop drinking it. Not sure why I said yes in the first place.

"We haven't been out here in forever," Mason spoke and downed the rest of his beer. He really knows how to put it away.

"I know," Benji agreed and took a beer from Mason's outstretched hand. "I like it better at night."

I snorted. "You can't even see anything."

Benji dramatically scoffed and pointed to the moon hanging overhead. "Hello, all the light you need."

"And how many times have you tripped out here?" I played, taking a step closer to him.

He tilted his head to the side and I could see the outline of his hand as he started counting. "Okay, so...maybe a lot. But that doesn't matter—"

"Last year, he fell and got cut on a broken beer bottle," Tyler interrupted from beside him. "It wasn't even ours, we don't litter." Tyler ran a hand through his cropped blue colored hair and sighed. "Anyway, four glorious stiches. He hates when people ask about the scars—"

"Exactly, dipshit." Benji playfully smacked the back of Tyler's head.

"He calls them battle scars." Tyler rolled his eyes, completely unfazed by Benji's assault.

"Battle scars?" I questioned.

Benji shrugged a shoulder. "It's better than telling people you fell and got cut on a beer bottle. And I wasn't even drinking that night."

"I'm sure your mom is very proud," Mia teased.

Benji grinned. "Of course she is."

I glanced at Mia and she rolled her eyes.

Benji shrugged a shoulder.

"Tyler!" Evan called. "Check this out!"

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