Part 9

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~Sang's Point of View~

"Sang! Get your ass down here now!" My mom yelled from her room. Something wasn't right. What was I doing back here?

I walked to my mom's room in a daze to see blood on the carpet. Wait! Wasn't that mine?

"Look what the fuck you have done! You little shit!" My mom yelled, advancing closer to me, causing me to take a step back.

This couldn't be happening. I had escaped! I was free!

"" I mumbled. I couldn't be back in this hellhole.

I looked for an exit; I had to leave.

"You're not getting away this time!" My mom yelled, all the sudden in front of me, and blocking my only way out.

I screamed as she now had a gun in her hand pointing directly at my face.

I collapsed to the ground as the shot fired.

I felt pain everywhere, seeping into all of my bones.

I couldn't breathe.

There was only darkness left.

"Sang!" I heard in the mist of the darkness.

I awoke with a scream of terror, hitting and scratching at the person touching me.

"Oy! Fucking shit Trouble."

I soon recognized the voice and froze, horrified.

"It's okay Sang, we are not going to hurt you," a deep voice I recognized as North said.

Slowly opening my eyes I looked around me, I was safe. I wasn't at that place anymore.

She couldn't get me here.

"I'm so sorry," I cried out. Gabriel had red lines on his arms from where I had attacked. His expression showed he was hurt and confused.

"Please don't hate me! I'm so...I'm" I hiccupped out as I burst into tears. I couldn't believe I hurt him. How could I do such a thing?

Before I could finish talking, I was embraced in a hug.

"It's okay Trouble, please don't cry," he begged as he held me. We held on to each other until my tears finally dried and I pulled away.

"What happened?" Kota demanded, everyone perked up as well, confused by the chaos.

"I had nightmare," I mumbled out, ashamed.

"That was more than a nightmare! Mr. B, she stopped breathing and when I went to wake her up she flipped the fuck out," Gabriel exclaimed.

I pulled my knees up and lowered my head on them. I felt so small. I felt stupid.

"Stop that right now Sang, this was not your fault!" Dr. Green said, coming over to me and taking my face in his hands so I had to look him in the eye.

"You have dealt with a lot of trauma from a person that should have been your protector, not abuser. You are not less for having nightmares, or being shy, or nervous. You are not the problem. What your sorry ass excuse for a parent is the problem. What I am trying to say is that there is nothing you have to be ashamed of with us. We will be here with you every step of the way. You are no longer alone," Dr. Green said and the rest of the boys shouted their agreements.

"Thank you, but I just feel like I'm more of a nuisance than good," I admitted.

"No...that's not true...never..." Shouted the boys.

"You're with us now and you will never be a nuisance," Mr. Blackbourne chimed in.

"Yah! Family group hug!" Luke screamed, attacking me with a hug. Soon the bodies of nine guys who knew I would forever be grateful for surrounded me with love and security.

I just prayed they would continue to want me in their lives, because I couldn't imagine mine without them anymore.

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