Part 22

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~Sang's Point of View~

"Don't move or I shoot. Make a sound, I shoot. Try anything... you get the picture," Volto whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

I knew I couldn't do anything since he had the upper hand. He had a gun! I was helpless. I just prayed the boys would notice something was wrong.

Volto dragged me to the kitchen and revealed a hidden door that was behind the fridge. As he closed the passage way back up my head was spinning. How could the boys find me down here? He walked with me down the stairs, pushing me into a dimly light room that held cages.

Sam! I saw her lying in a cage. She looked awful. She had a muzzle on her face and chains on her arms and legs. Tears sprang in my eyes as I looked at the poor girl. She didn't deserve this. No one did. The fear I felt grew into anger as I looked at Sam. I wanted nothing more than to take down the sick person that held me at gunpoint. As he roughly dragged me toward a cage, I remembered the dagger I had strapped at my ankle. I silently thanked North for strapping me with a weapon! I couldn't be more thankful for his overprotectiveness in this moment.

"What are they doing with you? Are you their plaything?" Volto questioned me, suddenly turning me around to face him and his creepy white mask. It obscured everything but his dark eyes and evil smile, which both promised future pain.

I didn't answer. I wasn't going to dignify the question with one. The way he asked seemed like he knew my boys and that concerned me. How did Volto know my team?

He frowned when I didn't answer, and then slapped me in the face. My eyes widened as he positioned the gun directly at my face.

"When I ask a question, you answer!" He demanded, pulling my hair with his other hand.

"We are a family," I whispered out, trying to hold back tears from pain. His eyes widened slightly, he seemed slightly surprised.

Volto then turned away to get back to the task at hand, caging me. As he was getting keys out from his pocket to open a cage, he lowered his gun enough for me to act.

This was my moment. My last chance before I was completely at the mercy of this man. After what my mother did to me, I knew I couldn't be afraid this time. I had to fight with courage. This time I would win! I had to if I wanted to live.

I swiftly grabbed my dagger with one hand as I pushed the gun away with my other hand.

"You bitch!" Volto yelled as I stabbed him in the side. He lost his hold on the gun as he yelled out in pain, but then used his free hands to grab me before I could pull the dagger out. We both fell to the floor as he tried to choke me.

"Sang!" I vaguely heard someone shout. The boys were looking for me.

With newfound determination I went for his eyes like the boys taught me. I tried to ignore the feeling of what was under my fingers as Volto screamed. He was going to kill me if I didn't get away.

"Help! I'm down here!" I yelled back to the boys, praying they could hear me.

Volto's hands reflexively left my neck to go to his wounded eyes. I kneed him in the balls as I tried to roll away.

I looked around for the gun. I couldn't let him get his hands on it. When I spotted it my breath caught. I could do this! I had to.

As I grabbed it, I cried out in pain. Volto had grabbed my leg, digging his nails into my skin. As he pulled me toward him, I spun and pointed the gun at him.

"Let me go!" I yelled, my hands shaking as I held the gun that could have ended my life earlier.

He reluctantly let go, scowling in anger.

"Stay where you are! Don't move!" I yelled, scrambling to get to my feet as he still sat on the floor.

"Sang!" I heard the boys yell from behind me. They had found me!

"I'm over here. I got him..." I said, my voice cracking as tears threatened to take over.

"Yes. You got him Sang. You did it," Mr. Blackbourne said gently as he took the gun from my shaking hands. The rest of the boys filed in with their own guns trained on Volto. We caught him.

Mr. Blackbourne hugged me close as I broke down in tears. I was safe. I was okay. He couldn't hurt me.

"Yes you are Sang. You are safe now," Mr. Blackbourne whispered in my ear. Apparently I had said that last part out loud.

"North, come take Sang," Mr. Blackbourne said as he handed me off to North. He had made sure I was okay, but now had to take charge.

North scooped me up in his arms, squeezing me tight to his chest. "I've got you Sang Baby. Let's get out of here," he said as I hid my face in his neck.

As North carried me out, I heard a collective gasp from all the boys.

They must have taken off the mask.

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