Part 10

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~Dr. Green's Point of View~

After the group hug, since it was still very early, I suggested Sang try to get some more sleep on the couch. Now, she was sound asleep and the rest of us were in the kitchen having a family meeting.

"What are we going to do about her nightmares, Doc?" asked Gabe with evident worry in his voice. He was very attached to the girl, as we all were.

"Unfortunately, due to the trauma she has faced along with the abuse from her step mother, it is highly unlikely her nightmares will go away anytime soon. I plan on putting her on sleeping medication so she can get some rest, but even with the medication, it is still possible she will have an occasional nightmare," I told them grimly. Unfortunately, there isn't much one can do to help nightmares.

"However, we can help by making her feel safe and comfortable. The more she feels anxious and scared, the more likely she will have nightmares. It is our job to try and diminish those feeling as much as we can," I said, and we all agreed. It was time to help her with the mental trauma, now that the physical injuries were fading.

"Alright, I have some news from the Academy," Owen began, drawing everyone's attention to him.

"Her parents have officially taken the bribe to not look for or even think of Sang ever again," Owen said, obviously disgusted with her parents. We all were, they were disgusting people who abused a helpless, sweet girl.

"Fucking parents. They never gave a shit about her," North grumbled out angrily.

"Yes...well, they've been taken care of now. The Academy has also sent them away to another state; I think the state they lived in before they got here. They will no longer be a problem," Owen said, but I knew there was something he still hadn't told us.

"Why? Why does the Academy care so much?" I asked Owen. It was unusual for the Academy to go so far in taking care of someone's parents if they weren't in the Academy.

"I was getting to that..." Owen said, looking at us all with a look I couldn't recognize.

"What? Did the adoption fall through?" Silas said with worry, increasing panic and confusion in the group.

"No," Owen started, making everyone shut up and listen.

"The Academy has done the opposite. In repayment for taking care of her parents, the Academy demands she join a team before the end of the month or we will be stripped of all our favors," Owen said, making the team burst into chatter from the news.

"But why? Owen, what makes her so special?" I questioned along with the others, completely full of wonder and disbelief.

"She doesn't exist anywhere. She's a ghost, Sean," Owen said with the same disbelief we all felt.

Well then, that complicated things.

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