Chapter 7- Love and Regret

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Sayas POV:

 A year had passed as the training took over our lives and we start on the road to adulthood...

I found Kisuke slowly fading from my life while I allowed my relationship grow closer with Koga; partly out of spite. I often wondered if that relationship developed as a result for me to get back at Kisuke. Nevertheless, I enjoyed his company and how he made me feel safe and brought back the smile that I thought that I had lost that night in on the stairs in the 2nd division  barracks. Time few as most of my days were taken up by training and new responsibilities that came up as our probationary period came to an end. I slowly moved into the Intel liaison role that Ukitake promised me upon my entrance to the division which seemed to give him more time to want to talk and really connect with me as we worked. A trusted advisor now to him rather than just another shinigami. He even took on all of the 2nd divisions information, allowing me to take time to heal from the situation that he had found himself now attached to after that night. He Occasionally he would make comments, asking if I wanted to talk about it and if I was ready to deliver the info to the 2nd division.  Actions that a father would take with his daughter as he tried to guide her to the path of healing under the harsh realities of growing up.

My time with Captain Hikifune grew a new bond as well. She and I had grown close, even allowing me to accompany her on many visits to the secret locations of the ever traveling Squad Zero. A task that I was happy to do but always suspicious of the intent behind it. Like she was getting me familiar with the specifics of that realm and assimilation to the new world that I would one day call my home. A feeling that I often felt as my parents sent me to spend time with my grandfather in the Soul Society.

On my last scheduled training visit, she called me into her office to congratulate me on my progress. Her  soft voice welcomed me into the room, "Please take a seat Saya-chan"

I bowed then took a seat in the chair in front of her desk awaiting instruction or at least a quick synopsis of my progress. Thinking of nothing more than business at hand and the hours that I had put fourth over this vast time of sometimes cruel training.

Her eyes softened as I looked at her and she spoke with she motherly authority, “I know that this hasn’t been the time for you, but I’m very proud of you! You have accomplished so much so in such a short amount of time. You definitely remind me of your mother!” I sat in the chair trying to hold back tears as she smiled and continued “I normally wait until the announcement is officially made, but I have put forth you name to be added as a recruit to squad zero."

My mouth dropped as all of my hard work pain off and my dreams were coming true before my eyes. Somewhat in shock, my eyes darted around the room as the full brunt of her words became clear.

Quickly I stood to my feet "This is such an honor Tiacho! I...I don't know how to thank you!" I found myself continuously bowing, unable to stop due to my excitement as I made for the door. Wanting to run back to my barracks where I could celebrate in private.

A hearty laugh rang from her chest as she too stood up from her seat. "You can stop bowing now Saya. You deserve this. Most recruits would have and have given up a long time ago but you have flourished. I must thank your old partner for helping to push you to become so resilient… Kisuke right?"