Chapter 16- Solitary

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Sayas POV:

Koga and I stood side by side in our captain’s office awaiting our punishment for our behavior during our visit to the Soul Society a few days prior. She sat in her chair glaring at us like children in trouble.

Now leaning onto her desk with her fingers in an intertwined clasp, like in prayer, her frustration alive in her visible white knuckles. "I have thought over the most appropriate punishment for you two and I keep coming to be conclusion... separation!"

My eyes shot open wide. I felt elated at the news of no longer being under the watchful eye of Koga. No longer subject to his persistent advances and overbearing behavior. A weight had lifted from my shoulders as she continued,

"But separation alone is not enough!  Your time is coming to an end here and that is where your punishment will come into play. Koga, you will pack your things and leave tonight. I have grown tired of your attitude and have deemed you unfit to serve within this world! So I have decided that you will serve as a guard between the two worlds."

Although her words were like music to my ears, I held back emotion as I awaited my fate.

"Saya, you on the other hand will continue your training here." my hands balled up into fists as I quickly unraveled her logic, "I have arranged it for you to stay here until I deem it necessary for you to leave... Do I make myself clear?"

My eyes widened in frustration while I bit my tongue, fearful that I would only extend my time longer.

"Yes Tiacho!" we said back in unison.

I felt the harsh glare of Koga burn though me as he caressed my arm and turned to leave. Before departing from my side he whispered to me,

"Until we meet again my hime"

Now before her for the first time since that terrible night, I stood my ground awaiting Koga to leave before I asked the burning question on my mind. My body relaxed as the door slid shut and I approached her desk.

“Why didn't you tell me that Kisuke took your place as Captain?" I begged fro a straight answer.

She sighed, “I needed you to focus on your training and if you were plagued with the fear of losing him then you would have never achieved your Bankai so quickly." her face free of emotion, "Fear is not a an emotion that we as shinigami can afford!" She paused, stood up and walked over to me, "Please understand that  that I do not condone your secret love affair with a captain, but who am I to stand in the way of a love like the one that you two have. So I will allow you to make your choice." Her eyes continued to reflect no emotion as she drew her zanpukato and pricked the center of my hand with it releasing a small amount of blood that covered the tip.

"I will be with Kisuke, no matter what the outcome!" I said with forgiving conviction as I awaited a visual response of the images that she saw.

She placed her hand on the side of my face with a sigh, "There will be many risks for many rewards if you choose that path. But there is no clarity in your future; your path is burdened with so many life changing decisions that even Unmeihime can't even see the fate that awaits you!"

I shook my head accepting her words, “Know that I understand and accept the consequences of my decision... I have to put my trust in him and my faith in us! I know that the love that we share isn't something that just happens. We would give our lives for each other!"

She sighed again and walked to the sliding door that led into her living quarters, turning to me before closing it behind her.

Her eyes shuttered, "That's what I worry about! There are dreams that just cannot be, storms that you just cannot weather my dear."