Chapter 5- Farewell to Who We Were

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Sayas POV:

Kisuke was nowhere to be found as the week dwindled down and our time grew to an end at the Soul Academy.  I received the letter that I had been waiting for, informing me that I was assigned to Division 13 under the special intelligence sub division but Any excitement escaped me as my celebration was a hollow one.  I figured that I would be celebrating with the man that helped me obtain this accomplishment, my friend and my partner. I should have realized that this would be the outcome and I probably deserved it; quick to remind myself, no I completely deserved it! I was now alone in the world, forced to deal with my demons and struggle to survive on the lonely island that I had condemned myself to.

Most of my time was spent out at the training fields to keep me focused on something other than Kisuke and the look on his face that haunted my conscious. I hated myself for what I did, but what is done is done and just like he said I have to deal with it. My sadness subsided as I came back from the fields late Friday afternoon only to run into Koga and Kai talking in front of my dorm.

 “I hoped that I would run into you before we departed to the seireitei” he said as they walked confidently over to me.

I felt a smile come across my face realizing that it was the first time since, well I was with Koga.

“Are you ready to take me up on that offer yet?” He asked with a smirk.

I felt my face blush as I looked into his beautiful blue eyes

“Yes, actually that sounds perfect!” I said beck playfully.

 He reached out grab my hand to guide me to the bench that was nearby “Good, how is tomorrow night around 7ish? I know a really good place to go that we can just relax and continue our conversation.”

We sat down as Kai joined in the joined in, almost to lighten the mood, “What division did you get placed with it?”

Having spent the week restricted to only my company I found the conversation a little overwhelming “Uh… division 13”

Koga smiled and sat up with enthusiasm “Me too! Maybe we can train together?!”

I felt my anger and distress begin to depart my mind as I realized that this was my new chapter and that I would be ok without Kisuke for now.

 “I’m placed in the intelligence sub division” I added.

Growing comfortable in the conversation as we all began talk about our new lives and what we laughed and started to expand onto other topics. Before I knew it the night had taken over Kai left to finish packing and I was left still sitting on the bench with Koga. A chill still lingering in the air, He put his arm around me to keep me warm and to hold me closer to him bringing a calm over me once again; a power that he had easily used on me.

He coyly glanced at me, “Can I confess something?” he asked as I nervously glanced at the ground.

“Maybe” I jokingly countered.

 His hand gripped tighter on my shoulder, “I have been coming here for the last few days trying to run into you. And I must say, you are a hard woman to get in touch with!”

I smiled again as looked at him “Really?” I giggled back “I never thought that you really noticed me”

He laughed “I guess that I played it too cool, huh!?" pausing for a sigh, " I have wanted to ask you out for a while now but, I thought that you might be with Kisuke”

I nervously laughed and looked out at the almost bare cherry blossom trees “Well, we were close but not together” I said as he caressed the length of my arm.