Chapter 14- Falling into the Darkness

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Saya's POV:

The light washed over us as we entered the vibrant world of the Soul King and the where the other recruits were amazed with the sights that came with their new environment. many gasped at the  cylindrical floating palace that hovered before a long path accompanied by four large platforms seemed to float like clouds around the palace. A place that I had been before with Hikifune, I came off as unimpressed as everyone else looked around in awe of our new home. I quickly took my place behind my leader.

”Let’s go!” I called out, trying to gain everyone’s attention.

As we pushed forward to the training barracks kept at ground level under the palace of the Soul King, I couldn't help but to listen to the whispers from the lucky few that followed behind me speculating the circumstances for our arrival.

Myself, fully knowing that the one of the four Captains of the Royal Guard had been slain in battle, I couldn’t help but want to be alone with Captain Hikifune to ask the questions that enveloped my mind.  

A mysterious woman, she was the prior captains closest confidant, a liaison if you will between the Soul Society and the Soul Kings governance. Even though she was and had been the captain of division 12 for as long as the 13 divisions had been around, she had remained the one that could walk between the worlds. A gate keeper over the inner workings of both worlds and the most likely to take on the prized position of the next captain of the highly coveted squad zero. Throughout the 1000 year blood war she worked tirelessly to  improve the technology needed to propel the shinigami to victory. Set on inventing ways in which to improve fighting techniques, she has been the sole supervisor of the division zero recruits used as the first line of defense to the Souls Kings world. Young shinigamis that trained in the advanced teachings of the zero division captains most sent to live in the Soul Society only to be called upon in the need of a specialized first line to that world. Many believed that her and the Head Captain Yamomoto were among the first to be trained under such special conditions.

As we walked the dull grey path two large doors opened to a utopia fit for royalty, gardens, ponds, extensive training and educational facilities; all fit for a king were laid out for us. Stopping to admire the view for only a second, we were summoned on to our not so humble rooms and immediately introduced to our new comrades in battle at our new meeting center deemed Golden Cloud Hall. Even I was surprised to see only 30 or so shinigami  were constantly monitoring the entrance to the world of the Soul King. All of my previous trips had been during the night, times in which I had thought had been the reason for little activity in the barracks. After the bewilderment faded I searched for Captain Hikifune as I tried to shake Koga from my side until I finally ran into a familiar face.

“Isao” I yelled out as I spotted the handsome young man that I had embarrassed just a day prior.

He smiled as I moved toward him, “Lieutenant Aomori, you remembered my name”

I smiled back, “And you remembered mine but please call me Saya. I guess that makes us friends”

His cheeks blushed vibrantly at my comment. I had to admit that he was kind of cute for a younger man, somewhat reminding me of Kisuke in his early years with a little less mystery surrounding him.

Using him for my escape, I linked my arm with his, “Would you be so kind as to show me around my new home?” I asked him playfully to get under Koga’s skin.

”Sure, it would be my pleasure.” He blushed again as he steered me away from Koga and out to the corridor.

His blush faded as we walked through the doorway, ”Where can I take you that haven’t already been?”