Chapter 18- Her Inner Choice

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Sayas POV:

Unable to move, speak or see I found myself retreating to my inner world. My eyes opened suddenly as I found myself laying in the shallow pool surrounded by millions of stars floating in the shadow of the night sky.  The moon seemed to glow with a brilliant shade of orange in a distance through a screen of clouds that rang with the dark groan of thunder and occasional strikes of lightening that danced in the air. Finally I sat up running my hands over every inch of my body, checking for injuries, bewildered as I came up with not as much as a scratch. The wind kicked up suddenly taking my breath away for a moment and creating large ripples in the water around me. Although I had been to my inner world more times than I could remember, there was a unfamiliarity about this visit. As if I wasn't meant to be there in this instant. A large roar of thunder erupted in the skies just above me sending two shots of lightning just feet away revealing both Haku and Zen in their spirit forms.

Haku, a slender middle-aged man his eyes seemed to shine bright aqua with a wisdom off 1000 years of truth and justice in his past. His silver hair fell just shoulder length to the tall figure of a man who wore a finely off-white tailored suit that hugged tightly to his body.  My eyes followed a baby blue dragon that moved like magic through the fabric of his jacket; occasionally down one leg of his pants only to climb up the other side. Pale pink was the color of his flawless skin all the way down to his fingertips painted black as the night sky above.

Zen, the epitome of a soldier, he was a ghostly figure complete with amour from head to toe made from a multitude of small pieces of steel that are vaguely shaped like the Chinese character for the word shan. His face but a shadow under an elaborate commanders helmet, only allowing the red glow of his eyes to peer through the dark void that filled the space between. The only cloth that touched his being was a black cape. Loosely tied to his shoulder cuffs, it ran the length of his body finally skimming the ground behind him.

Confident that I was fine, I stood up to greet my companions with a thankful bow. Returning the sign of respect they bowed back.

"You fought bravely Saya" Haku said in a shaken tone. "A fight worthy of a captains robe!" He smiled Proudly.

Zen groaned, "Yes, but at what cost?" His voice forceful to articulate every word, "Think back what do you remember?"

My lips trembled at his request as searched my mind for the information.

"I... Used my Bankai and defeated the intruders." My head shook as realized that the most recent memories fading from my mind and the details  fuzzy. "I fell to the ground, there was a light then I was here... With both of you"

My eyes rose from the ground meeting Zens then bouncing between the two elaborately dressed men.

"What about before that... What of your life as a Shinigami... Your love?  He asked as he looked over at Haku for assistance.

Frightened as I failed to recollect those images my breathing became more rapid and my actions more erratic. Looking at them I begged for help or a hint to a past, a life that was taken from me.

"I don't understand!" I begged them placing my hands to my face, "What is going on?"

Their faces became pale with the panic of my questions.

"You are dying Saya" Haku said with a tremble in his throat.

Every emotion that plagued our nightmares came rushing before me upon those static words.

Shaking his head he continued, "I'm so sorry my dear!" He added out of grief.

Drops of warm rain seemed to pass right through me as I stood in panic the news that they brought me.

"I'm not going die damn it! I can't!" I yelled back in protest as my hands faded in and out like a ghost.

Both stern in their stance, they looked upon me as if I was a scared child.

"Then fight!" They said in unison.

Not a sound was made while they glanced all around as if they were listening to a sound that I could not hear. Holding my breath I focused all of my energy on finding that sound that just would not come. A voice that hid in plain sight of their actions and reactions.

"Do you hear him? Can you hear his voice calling to you?"  They said together, "Only he can lead you out of the dark Saya. Let his voice be your guide"

Struggling with their instruction and the sheer weight of the information just relayed to me, I closed my eyes as tight as I could. Begging for this this to be but a dream that I could awake from. In an instant my senses now fled from me leaving me suddenly unable to feel the water at my feet, smell the rain on the wind or  taste sweetness in the air. Realizing this, I opened my eyes only to have a dark shade drape over my ability to see those precious stars that once greeted me into this place. Tears that I could not feel streamed down my cheeks in anger and frustration as I used the one sense that I had left to listen for the voice that the two once familiar beings instructed me to listen for. Even their images in my mind became but strangers within seconds as I was left alone in the dark.

"It's not my time." I whispered harshly out into the void, "I know that I have something to live for" I cursed the darkness that looked to swallow me into its gullet.

 I felt my eyes widen and the hopelessness fade as my world opened to another voice so sad yet so loving.

"Please Saya!" A man’s voice rang clearly through the air, "I can't lose you! I love you!" Warmth and tenderness radiated with each syllable, "Now fight damn it!" He finally demanded.

I hung on to every word that, letting each one drape over me like a loving embrace. Suddenly my world brightened with a shimmering light that ripped me from the dark nothingness into a sea of pain and emotion as I found myself in the arms of the man that I love. His wonderful yet panic stricken face made my heart flutter with a joy and hope that I had thought was all but lost. Within the pain that coursed through every fiber of my being I was able to place one hand upon his face revealing a silent relief yet desperation in his normally calm eyes that screamed out to me to hang on. This was my reason to fight! He was my guide! I thought to myself as my breath became shallow and I struggled to keep him in my sights.