It Can't Be!

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Preview: "Listen I know you must hate me now but I am sorry, I just don't see how someone like you could like me Alex, I mean you are really pretty plus, I figured you would like someone like NIck, Troy's older brother. I mean I don't see why you woul-" but Mikey was stopped by... 

Mikey felt something soft on his lips, he then relized what was happing, Alex his crush was kissing him. He was in shock and just stode there. Alex pulled away when she heard three people say.

"Shame, shame we know your name." said Data, Chunck, and Mouth say laying on the ground showing they where spying the whole time. Alex giggled when she heard them say that. Mikey looked still in shock.

"Did I do something." Alex said looking at a MIkey still frozen in shock. Mouth walked over and did something that took Alex by suprise. Mouth smacked MIkey in the face, Mikey jolted back when he got slapped. 

"Okay guys back to work." Mikey said smiling like an idoit, when he realized what just happened. All off a suden they heard a noise in the bushes. They all looked freaked out on what to do. They all jumped behind a diffrent bush. They heard what the people where saying as they goyt closer to them.

"Alright I will peek through the bush and see who it is, but if soething happens don't come out of this bush." Mikey said in a hushed tone, Brand was about to protest but it was to late because, MIkey was already peeking through the top part of the bushes and when he saw who the people where, he reached for his inhaler, that he has not needed ina while. Then just his luck he drop his inhaler and it tummpled out of the bushes. Mikey went to reach for and feel out of the bush. 

"Well it seems like our luck boys." said the voice Mikey knew, that he had nightmares about these people they where the...

 Okay if you guys are wondering no I am not dead. I have been busy with my job, and I didn't have  my lap top for two weeks. I am sorry it took me like a month to update a new chapter, plus I am only 15 so it seems like I have a lot of time to update but I don't because of my job. But there is my new chapter. Please tell me what you guys think VOTE and COMMENT on what you think. Also I will take some ideas you guys have, for the story, also comment if you guys have a question to ask me. I DON'T OWN "THE GOONIES" OR ANYONE. THE ONLY PEOPLE I OWN IS TROY'S BROTHER AND ALEX. Thank you forthe comments. Also if I get at lest one comment I will update tommorw on the next chapter.  


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