Are You Ready for Your First Adventure?

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"Why would you want to talk to me?" asked Mikey looking at her curiously. She ignored his question and took his hand, and drug him to the car. Then they got back to the house. Alex and Mikey finished there project. Mikey asked Alex if she wanted to hang out with the Goonies, she told him yes. She did not know what she was getting herself into saying "yes".  

Alex and Mikey where in his room while everyone was down stairs. Mikey was lying on hisbed reading the book Chester Cooperpot wrote. Alex sat on the floor next to Mkey's head she was looking at him read and she though he how cute he was. When Mouth, Stef, Data, and Chunk came strolling in the room. 

  "Got tired of watching Brand and Andi, make out I see." stated Mikey as they all sat on the floor. Stef and Mouth groned when he said that. 

  "I thought they would come up for air after 15 minutes, but they did't so we all left to see what you are doing." said Stef. 

  "Okay I will tell you, what I am doing, but you guys can't tell Brand, okay." said Mikey looking at everyone with a serious look on his face. They nodded there head. 

  "So the book I found well I have been reading it and well lucky me I just finshed it because it is a super short book, but my point is there was another reason. The British King was after him half was for what he took from him but also he took the King's daughter. See they loved each other and well he had a place where he took her. Chester Coperpot thinks there was more gold, dimaonda, rumbies down there and he even has the map to where he thought it might be. So..." Mikey said "Who is up for other Adventure, I mean yea the last one was dangorus but it will be like last time just with out the Fratelli's. 

  "Mikey we don't know." said Chunk looking worried.

  "Guys come on we are Gooines we are suppose to go on Adventures." said Mikey encougring them.

  "Alright why not I have nothing else." said Mouth too do everyone, they all nodded expect for Alex.

  "Well umm... I guess I will go know sense you know you guys have things to do." said Alex getting up.

  "Alex you can come with us, only if you want that is." asked Mikey said.

  "Yea sure, well I guess I better be going.' said Alex shyly.

  "Umm I will walk you home if you want." said Mikey.

 "Okay then lets go." Alex getting her stuff ready.

They walked out the house when they got to Alex's house. They stod there for a few minutes awkwardly. Alex looked in his eyes.

  "Thanks for being my partner, when I asked you if you would be my partner." said Alex looking at him still.

  "Um can I ask why you wanted to be my partner. I mean you are the coolest, popular girl in are grade, not to mention you are the hottest in are greade-." siad Mikey before all of a suden...   

Please Comment on what you think also thank you for reading my srtoy XD 

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