chapter twenty [strawberry swirl]

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'Yeah, I thought I heard something last night, but it sounded more like a banshee's scream than an animal.' Taehyung raised an eyebrow, looking from my hot face to Jimin's smirks that seemed to disappear as soon as they came.

'It shook the entire corridor.'

'I thought I heard my windows vibrating as well.'

'Even through the storm, it must've been pretty loud.'

Placing a newspaper article onto the table, Taehyung directed his question towards me.

'What about you Ji-U, didn't you hear anything last night?' My mind raced with a several different answers or excuses I could have made for myself, but none of them seemed very probable. I simply shrugged my shoulders and shook my head.

The speculations soon shifted into talk about the day's schedule, and I was finally glad. With every passing second, I could feel my muscles relaxing.

As my eyes flickered to everyone around the table, I noticed Jungkook continually give Minji a strange look, but she seemed to brush it off, taking a drink from her glass with ruddy cheeks. It wasn't so strange that they were interacting as much as the fact that Jungkook had nearly killed his own sister.

That I couldn't find myself to forgive.

'...of course, we'll be leaving Taehyung and Jungkook home. I don't think it would be a wise idea to take them when the council is so infuriated.'

'What about Ji-U?' I jumped slightly as my name was mentioned in their discussion, tuning into whatever they had been talking about before I trailed off on my own thoughts.

'I don't think taking her would be a good idea either. Allaria's and Illex's are the only members strictly allowed inside the Hall anyways.'

Every slowly nodded in agreement, but Taehyung had seemed slightly frustrated, staring down at the utensils in front of him with a conflicted expression. At least being isolated in my room would give me plenty of time to ponder over the details of the past few days.


After the entire group had left the house, I found everything unusually quiet once more. There was no laughter or harmonious talking ringing through the rooms. It was just deadly silent.

Being locked in my room hadn't provided me time to think, but instead drove me insane. I yearned to seek out more answers, to talk to Taehyung or Jungkook. Something, anything.

I exited my room and was met with the same empty hallway, the bright light of the day was shut out by blinds. Frowning, walked over and pulled the string, light immediately pouring in to blind me momentarily.

The close of a door startled me as I spun around. Taehyung clutched a handful of documents, walking over to a tiny table situated near my bedroom. A powder blue dial telephone sat promptly on top.

With a lollipop in his mouth, he quickly dialed a number and waited, speaking slowly as the other person on the line finally responded. My eyes trailed the casual apparel he had chosen for the day. A large gray cardigan that had flowed to the back of his knees, covering a large white tee shirt. Simple black pants, rolled up to his ankles fit around his legs.

I switched my attention back outside the window, trying to pay attention to the beautiful scenery outside of the mansion located quite literally in the middle of nowhere. But the past couple of days displayed images that I couldn't rid of. What most would consider scarring, it was more shocking to myself. I guessed, their lives were mostly normal until I came into the picture.

I had to find a way to get out of there.

'Are you going to stand there all day?' I looked back once again, just in time to see Taehyung shuffle through his papers, placing the phone back on the handle.

'I-you- I need to talk to you.' Finally squeaking out my request, mentally cursing myself for stuttering so much. The amount of anxiety had skyrocketed when he turned towards his room and beckoned for me to follow him with his index finger.

Scampering almost, I pushed the door open slightly after him and entered the room I had only seen once before. Nothing seemed to be any different, except for a large duffel bag lying on the top of his bed.

He continued onward to a filing cabinet, opening it and trying to place some more papers into the labeled folders. I awkwardly stood near his shelf of classical novels, eyeing them curiously.

'There was something you needed to talk about?' Looking back, I bit my lip and nervously fingered the hem of my shirt. It was such a waste to be caught up on someone like Taehyung. The kind of feeling emitted towards him was completely different from what I felt towards Jungkook. Or Jimin for that matter.

I inhaled deeply, seeking the courage I needed to confess about what had actually happened the night before. The thoughts of what he'd do to either Jimin or I was unbearable, but it needed to come out. It had to.

'Last night, that was me...' Trailing off, the guilt rushed back in. I found it unnecessary to have to explain what I meant, as he caught on quickly and slowed his actions.

'With who?'

'I- I can't tell you.'

'With. Who?' Each word was enunciated, but the tone of his voice had remained surprisingly calm.


The next moment was tense and thick as he rested the remaining papers on top of the files. Taking the sucker from his mouth he tossed it in the trash, turning to face me.

'I don't understand Ji-U. I just don't get it.' He seemed to take amusement in my confession, leaning back on his desk and smiling.


'So, it's alright for you to have a casual fling or whatever you'd like to call it, with another member of this household, but you also get to avoid your purpose? I specifically told you, you're here to provide the Illex with an heir, and I've been very lenient these past few days. I was patient, waiting for you even though I know the deadline is coming up. But it's so easy for you to run off with someone else?' He ran fingers through his hair in distress, and the guilt was excruciatingly painful.

'Are you on birth control? Did he use protection?'

'No.' I murmured out, thinking back in horror and finding that I had completely forgotten.

Before he opened his mouth to reply, the front door had opened and everyone's voice rose from normal chatter to yells calling out for us.

They were home.


please lord have mercy for finals week

i may need to drink an entire bottle of acetone and some rum 

and some jnkakjnlasknsnl;

sorry, filler chapteeeeeeerrrrrr






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