Katrina Maarain

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~months ago ~

Katrina- dad!! I don't want to be to go away! I love it here! I Just started to make friends! I won't go!*tears streaming down her pale cheeks clenching fist stomps foot in the old office her father in front of her scolding down with his eyes in fury*

Andrew Maarain(dad)- young lady you don't talk to me like that! You are moving out of town your to dangerous and I forbid you to use your magic! Now you are going to that magic council school and that's the end of Katrina! Now go pack* glares down at her hands behind his back*

Katrina-* her brown eyes fill with tears as the ground begins to shake as the house shakes with it* I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!* she runs out of the room down the sketchy hall burst through the side door and runs into the forest....*

Andrew Maarain-* sighs bends down a little and smacks the stuff off his desk making it hit the wall * satanic brat! How dare she defy me!?! Molly!!! Come here now!* yells furious twitching of the eye*

Molly-* runs into his office startled by the sudden loudness* yes sir?????

Andrew Maarain- find Katrina! Or I will lock you up with her!

Molly- y-y-yes m-m-ma-master* bows and runs to the other servants to figure out what to do*

Claire(servant)-d-d-d-d-do you think Molly That.....that the pest will c-c-c- come back????*trembles *

Molly-I-I-I-I-I don't know Claire...* shivers at the thought *

Angel Reed Redfox {Fairytail Oc}(book 1))Where stories live. Discover now