..The 8 year time..

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-----------Katrina pov--------
Dear Angel,
It has been eight years since you left on the S class quest..we all have aged..especially myself ...I'm now 19 years old and I have fully controlled my power..I haven't gotten big breast like Wendy but I'm getting there...eventually I had to tell master about the truth of you.. Damn he was furious Angel ...he sent out natsu and there team to find you but they have yet no luck of finding you...your parents came back 3 weeks after you left..your father and mother were very upset and they would always be looking for you and sending you letters of apology for forgetting your birthday ...I hardly ever see your dad anymore he is either drinking himself silly being depressed or on a job ignoring everyone except levy...your mom has been a little happier for some reason I think she knows where you are and has "Faith" in you..but Ezra has been so more pissy lately..oh and one other thing there was the competition to become S class on our island and lots of things happen hut almost half the guild is still young. I will explain it to you when you come back..I miss you big sister

Love, Kat

I finish my letter and folded it down and slip it into the envolpe as I set the envolpe on my desk. I had moved into my own home in the guild the extra rooms for S class . master let's me stay there even though I'm not S class. I can pay my rent easy but I have to go on ALOT of jobs and quest with Wendy and the xceeds but it gets old..I miss my big sister and the guild feels different.

I slowly stand up from my pink stool and walk out of my room shutting the door behind me and walk down the stairs to the guild hall center..everyone seemed to be so quite and all I saw was the crying Gajeel in the center of the guild and levy hugging him from behind crying as well..I panic a little going pale I quickly look at everyone to see if anyone would tell me what's going on!?...I see Wendy and go over to her ...tears streaming down her pale cheeks I comfort her and whispers

Whsts going on???* looking at her worried Romeo holding her Hand for comfort*

Wendy- ..........an...an...a knight from the council came b-b-by the guild an-an...* choking on her tears stuttering*

And???* trying to calm her down a little*

Wendy wouldn't reply she just burst down into tears into Rome's chest as he comforts her his arms around her, he himself is holding back the tears as he looks at me

The knight had given us angels dagger... She's dead Katrina...* looking at me tears streams down his cheeks having a serious straight face holding Wendy*

.................no...no no no no that's not true!!!* I screamed my tears uncontrollably flying out of my eyes *

She can't be dead! Its Angel! She's not dead! I won't believe it! I can't believe it! No no no!!!!!... I break down in tears and fall to my knees on the floor my hair turning into roots and dieing and living again ( what happens when she is upset)

..pain hit my heart as my uncontrollable tears meet something warm..it was Ezra hugging me into her arms..she was crying as well as we cried together the guild have never Been so upsetting and quieter...

-------Gajeel pov-----

I'm so broken....my daughter..she's gone.....and I wasn't there to say good bye...what kind of father am I!? ..she didn't deserve this...and poor levy.....how will we go on ??? No we will we live for Angel it's what she would want us to do!

Shreading my tears I stand as I hold my wife's hand ..she looks at me and knows what is right and we say it together crying

ANGEL WAS A MEMBER OF THIS GUILD AND SHE ALWAYS WILL! Now stop crying! We must be strong for her! She was our daughter ....and she was strong! So honor her! Don't cry and remember her from the past but move to the future with her and give her life show her how far we have become..she would be proud of us! So stop your crying! * me and levy raise our hands giving or fairytail signal high in the air *

Everyone looked at us....they cried and sniffles then st and before us and all raised there hands giving our fairytail signal ...it was beautiful ....Angel may be dead but she lives on in this guild! And in our hearts...fairytail guild will never forget Angel....I whisper to myself holding levy hand.....in my pocket was her dagger ...

I love you Angel ....

~ and that's it everyone! My last chapter! Or is it? Thanks for reading!~

Angel Reed Redfox {Fairytail Oc}(book 1))Where stories live. Discover now