Little family

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It's been six years since that dreadful day in the ultrasound room. Hunter has helped me since day one, I couldn't thank him enough for that. My twins are my life, they mean everything to me. I wouldn't know what I would do if one of them got hurt.

Mason is my youngest boy, he is Daniel's son. He has dark brown hair and puppy brown eyes that remind me of Daniel so much. Mason has a good voice, I love it when he sings. He's a good piano player, and wants to learn to play the guitar.

Jeremy is my oldest boy, he's Johnson's son. He has dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. People don't believe when I tell them they're brother, who would. Jeremy raps, well as much as he could with his missing words. Hunter has taught him how to use the launch pad, that's where is love of DJing came from.

A lot has happened in those 6 years. I rolled my family I was pregnant, she tolled me I was a disgrace to my family. She always glares at me when I come over for Christmas or another holiday. I moved to L.A. With Hunter, Jack and Daniel of course had to come follow us.

You're probably wondering about Ashley and Emily. Before we left Emily thought I was stealing Hunter away from her. He was willing to come and help with the kids. "No, you're bring him Because that's the slut you are." That was the last thing she said to me, it hurt. My best friend calling me a slut, Ashley she's stuck in between us.


"Mommy." I heard an oh so cute voice that belonged to Mason. I watched as he ran to me from out of his room and out of the hall way to me. Hunter chuckled behind, he stopped right in front of me. "It's time of p-pian-n-no lessons." I giggled and Hunter laughed at his cuteness.

I pulled out my phone and check the time. 2:30pm,  his piano lessons were in thirty minutes. "Okay, go get ready. Tell your brother he's going over to Max's." I said ruffling his hair, "not again." He pout as he fixed his hair. He was just so cute, and he was mine. I watched as he walked off, it will never get old watching him walk through those halls.

Max was the son of Maddison and Gilinsky, yeah. I'm surprised myself,  Maddison kept him of that leash for so long. They were finally getting married, I so excited to see Gilinsky's jaw drop when he sees in that wedding dress.

"Hey." Hunter caught my attention. I turned my head around to see him sprawled out on the couch. He look at me under his phone. "What?" I asked turning my body towards him. "I heard there was a party this weekend, we should go."  His literally in sane. "Hunter what are you on, even if we go what about the boys. I have kids and responsibilities."

"So do I, but I'm doing this for you. You need a break from life, let lose. Go crazy like the teenager you were." Hunter said.

"Plus I can find a babysitter." I folded my arms "really, who?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him. "Mrs. Darin across the street."  "Okay." I shrugged my shoulder, "yes."

"Doesn't mean I am going."

"What come on."
I ignored his whines And got off the couch and yelled for my boys. They came running out of there rooms and into the living room. "Let's go." I said turning on my high heels and headed to the door, I was about to yell for Hunter to turn off the lights and lock the house. He was already doing what I was going to asked, I just looked at him like he was an angel.

"What?" He asked shrugging and walking to the driver side of our black mustang and unlocking the door. I watched as he helped the boys get buckled into there car seats, the littlest he does really helps a lot. He shut both the back doors and looked up to see me watching him. "What?" He repeated.

"Nothing." I shrugged and got into the passenger seat. Hunter didn't say anything and started to car. I pulled out the camera I keep in the car and set In on top of the ceiling of our car. Ever since my twins were boring I basically vlogged there life. Fans wanted to see how Daniel Skye's and Jack Johnson's sons life was like.

Hunter pulled out of drive way and started to drive towards Madison's house. "Can we sing uncle Shawn's song?" Mason had asked. Even though they have no idea who there either of there real dads are. The guys from the old MAGCON visit them daily. "Of course." I said popping the AUX cord into my iPhone 6s. I know I'm like 6 years behind on the phone update, but really I could care less.

The beat of stitches came on and a few seconds later Mason's voice entered the car. I closed my eyes as I heard his angel voice. I didn't put on the one song actually sang, because Mason already knew all the lyrics to that song. And Jeremy would occasionally rap a few lyrics that fit with the song.

"What didn't you fulfill your dream of singing like Daniel did, he still is actually. Gilinsky and Johnson are still up there, just under Madison. The only name I wanted to see on those venues was yours." Hunter said as he parked in front of Madison's house. "Hunter, I can't we talk about this later." I said getting out of the car as fast as I could with the camera in my hand.

I've avoided everyone of hunter's questions about the dream I once had. Being big like Ariana Grande, but I hated talking about it. Daniel was the who actually encourage be to become big. I felt Jeremy by my side as I walked up to the house.

I knocked on the door, a few minutes later the door opened with a smiling Madison. "Kayla its nice to see you." She said as I seen Gilinsky hanging onto her like he was a sloth. "Aw, Madison it's always a pleasure to see you." I smiled as Jeremy ran off into the house, max was currently playing with there dog. I smiled I really missed Golden, just looking at there dog reminded me of him.

"How is everything with Hunter?" She had asked, I almost chocked on my own spit. "W-we aren't together." I said looking back at the car to see Hunter was looking right at me. "Kayla, he's lived in your house since the twins were born. How could you not be with him?" Madison said as she crossed her arms, I now noticed Jack had disappeared.

"Madison I just not think we'd be good together." I said shrugging looking at her floor. "Well it's a shame."

It was quite before I spoke up "Madison thanks again for looking after Jeremy for me."  "Kayla anything for my nephew." I heard Jack yell.  I smiled at his comment, "yeah anything you're basically family."  She smiled back, "I'm sorry for leaving on short notice but I have to take Mason to piano lessons." I leaned in and hugged her, I let go after a few minutes of a friendly squeeze.

"No it's already, I'll see you later." Madison said.

"Yeah, bye." I said before walking back to the car. I got in and we were off to piano lessons


The first chapter is up, I'm sorry if it's a little bad. I rushed it just a little to get to you guys. I really hope you like it.

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