Daniel,I Got This One

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I'm begging you please check out my Human's Doing, it's werewolf. It about Nick Robinson and I'll update another if I see you vote for it. At first it's not as good but it switches to main character's P.O.V


"Are you okay" I asked Hunter. we're currently at Gilinsky's and Madison's, because Hunter wouldn't agree to come to my house. My boys are with Taylor at the park, I trust him. He's watched them before, so I was okay with it. Daniel, Gilinsky, And Madison are in a room in the back of the house, they were giving me and hunter some space. I had no clue where Johnson was at this point, I don't keep tabs on everybody.

"Of course not, god damn it.." Hunter said angrily as he got off the couch and stood in front on me. "Hunter just calm down and come home." I said standing up, he backed up a little bit to give us space between each other.

"No I'm seriously done, I've waited more then six years to be with you. I just can't live with you knowing you're in love with some one else." Hunter said. "Are you fucking crazy, i. Not in love with anybody."

"I'm gonna back to Florida, to someone who will actually love me. I'm sick of waiting for a women who won't even look at me."

"Hunter we're friends, I look at you like a brother."

"I don't even think We can even be friends, by Kayla have a nice fucking life." Hunter yelled storming  out of the house. Shit, I lost him forever. I grabbed a hold of my hair having a tight grip.

Tears flowed down my cheeks, I threw my head back sobbing. He's gone I lost my best friend for nothing.  Wiped my tears and stomped down the hall way to the room the rest were. My sadness became into rage, Daniel had to have done some thing for him to just leave me.

I pushed open the door, everyone looked at me confused. In the corner was Daniel leaning Against the wall. "You." I scowled As I pointed my finger at him. I stopped over to him I started to bang on his chest. The tears rolled down my cheeks again. "He left because of you. You tolled him I was in love with you." Yelled still banging my hands in his chest.

Daniels hands wrapped around my body in a comforting way. "Shhhh." He whispered as my hands stopped their banging. "No don't touch me." I yelled getting out of his hold. He tried calming me down with little whispers, but I resisted his comforting.

"Daniel, I got this one." Maddison's voice spoke up, the only I cared about right now is that he left me alone. "It's okay." Maddison said giving a hug, i lost it. I sobbed into her chest, I lost a really good friend today. "Babe, we'll just leave you to it." Gilisky's husky voice spoke.

She didn't respond as she continued to comfort me. "Its okay." He said pulling me from the hugged. She wiped the tears away from my face, she smiled. It was weird how her's an Gilinsky's smile look almost identical. "Here let's sit down." Maddison had said, I nodded my head as she guided me to the couch in the room we were currently in.

I sat down beside her sniffling, Hunter was gone. He was gone for good this time, I should start to accept that he won't be there to help me with  the kids and I'm stuck alone. Again.

"Maddison, thanks for being a good friend." I said gaining back my reality, which I didn't want back. "Of course, but I need to tell you something."

"Go ahead, I'm here to listen."

"Jack has been.....distant lately, he's been coming home late. We don't have sex as often, and we don't connect like we use too. it's eating me alive, what do I do?" Hearing this reminded me of what Daniel had said at my work place. I have to tell her that he's having an affair.

I looked at the ground and fiddled with my fingers, my Kylie Jenner nails hitting against each other. "Oh this is something seriously not good." Maddison had said, I shrugged.

"Remember how I told you Daniel stopped at my work place a few days ago?" I asked looking at her. "Yeah?" He asked all confused on to where this was going. "Daniel told me Gilinsky was having an affair, I don't know if he still is or not." Her expressing changed confused to blank.

I had to tell her, and I felt a little guilty it was coming from me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

She sighed "don't be, it's not your fault. I kind of seen it coming." She said looking at the ground. Is Jack delusional, I'm pretty Taylor would hit that. I mean if I was him I would, defiantly would. Maddison is still fire a 24, no lie.

"Have any plans?"

"Yep, We're going to this party tonight. Well both the Jacks are going and we're fallowing them. My Jack will think I'm out with you, because I told him we were having a girls night out. Which we were I was going to text you about it. Jack being Jack he was he's obviously going to hook up with a girl. And I'll catch I'm in the action of fucking her."

"Woah, slow down. You aren't mad about what he did to your little family."

"I'm furious, but Max has been noticing his disappearance. His own son, it's all his fault for doing this behind my back."

"Gees, who knew you were such a bad ass?" We both laughed. "Wait? Party?, part equals Daniel. I do think I can help you with this." I said mentally hitting my nails, "yes, you are. I'm gonna my so hot you'll be untouchable." She exaggerated on 'untouchable'

I rolled my eyes "fine." I agreed, I needed to help her with this so called plan.

"But we have to say at least 30 feet away from Daniel, also no drinking." I said putting down rules. "Aw come on after I catch Gilinsky we're totally parting like we're 18 again."

There was obviously no convincing her, so I sighed as she started to squeal.


Oh a party, what will happen.

Stay yourself because you're amazingly beautiful😘😍🦄

Becca is so cute💝💝

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