Can you get any cuter

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I sat beside Hunter on the couch in Mason's piano practice. His teacher watched him from behind had me played hide away by Daya. I hummed to the piano's beautiful sound, I could feel Hunter was frustrated beside me. Bouncing his feet rapidly, his lips were probably pressed together. That's his frustrated face, he doesn't Make as often as he use to. 

He hopped of the bench like it became lava. "Can't take this any more it's driving me fucking  in sane." Mason hit the wrong note on the piano as he heard the swear word come out of Hunter's mouth. I've never swear in front of my kids, I've done many of times. I hated swearing in front of them, Hunter knew it too.

I stood up "Hunter what the hell it wrong with you." I was getting mad at him, no I was getting frustrated with him. "What wrong with me, what's wrong with you." I could feel Mason's teacher's eyes on us, this is so embarrassing. "You're the one who wasted her dream on something else. I can't just watch the light inside of you die, music was your dream. You have t even sang like you meant it since Daniel left."

"So what are you going to do about it." I wasn't mad more curious. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Mason play 'don't go breaking my heart."  Hunter had instructed him, "yeah, got it dad." He said before his little hands played the familiar song we always use to dance to.

"Don't go breaking my heart." Hunter started to sing.  My eyes a oat pooped right out, I've know him for 9 years. I've never heard him sing, surprisingly he wasn't bad.

"Want are you doing?"


"I'm not doing that." I said crossing my arms. Hunter turned around and weirdly dance to me.  He grabbed my hands and he spun me around, I giggled and gave in.

"I couldn't if I tried."

We started to dance as we sang to the piano. It felt good with the vibration of my throat as I sang. I haven't sang this well for a long time.

"So don't go breaking my heart." Hunter sang

"I won't go breaking your heart." I sang as he pulled me back in from a spin. He dipped me, we both laughed. He pulled me back up and we dance a little more before the song was over.

When the song was over I could feel Mason watching us. I watched as Hunter intertwined our fingers together in front of our bodies. I could feel how this moment changed from fun to intimate.  I slowly looked up into Hunter's blue eyes. (I forgot what color I made them before.)

"I love you." Were the first three words that came out of Hunter's mouth. I didn't know what to say, he's eyes widened and realized what he said. "I didn't mean for it to come out like that, but I do. I love you." No, he can't. I told him before I let move in, that he's not allowed to.

"No." I said letting go his hands and walking away from him. My Hugh's heels click on the floor, "you always leave from your problems, but this isn't one." Hunter surprised me with his words, but I kept walking.

A hand yanked me back, I yelped in surprise as I landed into his warm chest. He grabbed my chin and kissed me, I didn't know what to do. All I knew was I was loving the feeling he was giving me. I kissed him back, he pulled me closer to his body. My arms snaked around his neck as I smiled.

Slow clapping cut off our kiss. I looked a head to see Mason's piano teacher clapping. A little tiny blush crept on my face. Hunter's hand was still on my waist as he looked at him too. "If my wife was here she's say "can you get any cuter."  "But this guy knows how to play this game." He smirked.

Hunter turned his head towards me and looked me in the eyes. "You can't just fall in love with me now." I said. "I didn't, I fell in love with you 7 and a half years ago. On our way to the party that you so happened to find Jack at. The red light when we were about to kiss, is when I feel in love with you.

I feel back for how short it is, but I'm really stressed out right now. I have exams starting tomorrow.  I feel like I'm kinda making her a slut, she been with three guys so far.

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Stay yourself because you're

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Colton Haynes

Logan Lerman

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Troyce Sivan

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