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Aaliyah POV-


i opened my eyes slowly and the bright sun hit my fast i closed my eyes fast,

"ughhh" i said to my self i slowly rolled over then i fell on the ground hard,

"ughhhhhh" i said even louder while kicking my feet.

i slowly picked my arm up and felt my bed for my phone. my finger touched the tip of my phone i couldn't fully reach it so i smacked it down making it hit my stomach.

"owwwwwww" i screamed to myself. "stupid phone" i said throwing it at the wall.

"the phone did nothing too you" i herd a deep voice say. i screamed jumping up and standing in my fighting possion. i looked nd saw corahn siting in my chair. he laughed.

"what the fuck are you doing here" i said pushing my hair out my face.

"chilling" he said. i rolled my eyes.

"what time is it."i said siting on my bed.

"uhh 6:30"

"in the morning!"

"yesss in the morning."

i layed back on my bed.

"ok give me 5 more minutes" I said closing my eyes.

"no no it takes you like 15 years to get ready and we have to be at school at 7:10"

"why 7:10..why not 7 or 7:15 why they gotta make life so damn difficult"

he chuckled. "just get ready."

i snatched the pillow from under my head and threw it at him.

"i hate you" i said slowly getting up. then i walked in my bathroom and slammed the door.

..:::30mins later:::...

after i got ready me and corahn started walking to school.

when we approached the school i saw diggy and his gang. i looked over at diggy who was already looking at me.he smiled and winked, the he did a head jester sighing me to go over.

"umm corahn i will see you in class ok?" i said. he looked at me then looked at diggy who was coming over tords us.

"what ever" he said, he fixed his bag on his shoulder then started walking away.

i looked up at diggy who was now standing in front of me.

'hi" i said moving a piece of hair out my face.

"i really did have fun yesterday" he said.

"me too" i said

"how bout we do the same thing" he said.

"rightt now" i said.

'"uhh noo how bout tonight at 8 and i take you to a nice restaurant " he said.

"wow um ok" i said.

"great..i will pick you up" he said

"ok" i said with a smile.

"see ya' he said. walking away.

"byee" i said. i watched him walk all the way till i couldn't see him. i turned and started walking to the school "yay" i said, low to my self still smiling like a weirdo.

...:::After school:::..

After talking to diggy i did go in the school and i went to my first class even tho i was late.

"your late miss Thomas" the teacher said.

" or all yall just early" i said.

the class laughed.

"take your seat miss Thomas." she said. "i was going to do that anyway"i said..



it was getting late and i was getting ready for my date with diggy,

i was fixing my hair when i herd a knock at my bedroom door. i stood up and went to my door, and opened it, i saw corahn standing there. "damn" he said. i laughed,

"do you think its too much." i said, I was wearing a short tight cheetah dress, with hot pink heels gold earrings and light make up, I curled my hair, and let the falling curls hang.

I moved out the way so corahn so he can walk in, he walked in and sat on my bed.

"well we are just watching a movie" he said. ....shit i forgot bout our movie night fuckkkk.

"ohh yeah bout that um diggy ask me if I want to go out to dinner with him." i said.

he laughed, "and how did his face look when you said no i bet he felt salty"

i looked down with out saying anything.

" did say no " he said.

"yeah...or no..." i said.

"witch one is it" he said.

"i said i will go"

he put his hands onver his face,

"im sorry corahn..i mean like we do need to make other friends...its not like where going to get married.where not a couple "I said.

he looked at me hurt. and that did sound kind of mean."im sorry." i said low.

"no no you right Aaliyah you right"

"come on corahn dont get like that"

he stood up and walked to my door. he looked back at me for a minute .

"have fun on your date" he said. then he walked out slamming the door behind him.

"corahn" i screamed.

then i herd the front door slam. i ran to my window, and watched him climb over the gate then he kicked the gate. "ughhhh" i herd him scream. he put his hands on his hair griping his hair, then he walked in his house....I didnt mean to make him this mad..opps. but I know he will get over it, I'll give it sometime.

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