chapter 2

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I wake up early the next morning. Like before the sun was out early This was normal for me though. I pulled my boots on and grabbed my blue heeler puppy, Rascal, and headed to the barn. I fed all the horses after switching them out of their stalls and into either their paddock or pasture. I then had to lean all the stalls. With my had running the place, he's handed all the chores to me. When I finished cleaning stall i headed back to the house for some breakfast before people started showing up at the barn. Right as I reached the door someone pulled up to the barn. I sighed, ran into the house and poured myself some coffee to go, and ran back to the barn. When I got there I noticed Emily had her horse out and was tacking him up to ride. "Sorry I'm early. My mom said I could spend the day out here, but I had to leave with her right then."

"You're perfectly fine Emily. I've had a few cancellations today, so maybe you can ride some of the school ponies." 

"Thank you! I would really like that. So do you want me to stall for a little bit or should I get on now?" She asked me.

"Go ahead and get on and meet me in the outdoor arena. I'm just going to set jumps." She nodded and I left.


"Alright Emily, I want you to pick up your left lead and come down the blue line in five strides and go to the green diagonal brush, finishing with the gray bending line in seven strides. And be sure to hold him out after each fence into the corners." I instructed. She nodded and picked up the canter. She hopped over the first fence getting perfect striding before finishing the line. As she approached the diagonal fence I yelled, "Look up!" She did and thankfully made it over the fence. She did a beautiful lead change and ended the course beautifully. "Good job! Now until your next lesson I want you to only practice poles. Do lots of singles, and courses, and make sure you are holding Hobbs into his corners, and lastly try not to let her pace change." I told Emily before having her cool out and I started setting jumps for the next lesson, speaking of which, they should be out here by now. I saw them pull up, but where could she be? "Emily? Could you tell Alicyn to hurry up please?" I yelled across the arena. She nodded and went into the barn. I loved Alicyn, but she learned some bad habits from her big sister Lindsey. Lindsey and I used to be really good friends, but then when my mom died and I tok over her spot on the ranch, Lindsey was disgusted by me considering she always had the best horses when we used to show against each other many years ago. She said that I didn't deserve to teach beginner lessons because I was so under qualified. Then she kind of just disintegrated from my life. Except with her parents being one of the major founders for the ranch, she and her sister stayed with us. 

"I'm here! I'm here!" Alicyn called speed walking over to me. I laughed and shook my head.

"What took you so long?" I asked helping her on her pony, Charlie.

"Lindsey hid my bridle and wouldn't tell me where it was until I agreed to let her take me shopping and give me a makeover." She huffed.

"Alright, alright. Let's start by trotting on a loose rein." I instructed starting our lesson.


I had two cancellations today so I was done with lessons for the day. I had told Emily to hack Butterscotch and Mikey, Two of our school ponies, and I promised her a trail ride when she was done. She had told me on several accounts that she wants to be just like me when she got older. It made me proud that I was such a great influence and role model to someone. At the moment Emily was waiting with my last training mount for the day. "Hey Emily, why don;t you hang out with Alicyn while I finish up?" I nodded to a bored looking Alicyn sitting in the observation box.

"But she's so girly, and plus I have to put Finn away for you." She said trying to walk off.

"Wait just one minute," I stopped her, "Give her a chance, I think you two have more in common with each other than you think. And how 'bout you invite her to put Finn away with you?"

"Fine!" She huffed and walked towards Alicyn. I faintly heard her ask, "Would you like to help me put Finn away?" Alicyn's face lit up as she nodded, and the two girls walked off together already kicking up a new conversation. I got on Sampson and started with my ride. 

While I was riding, in the next arena over, Lindsey, Sawyer, and Annie were in a group riding lesson. As I progressed in my ride, Alicyn's mother drove up and honked her horn spooking Sampson. I wasn't expecting anything, but next thing you know, I'm on the ground gasping for air. When I caught my breath I stood up and noticed Lindsey and Annie laughing while Kari was holding Sawyer's horse. But where was Sawyer. Then I looked around the arena for Sampson, if he jumped out again...Just then someone tapped my shoulder, and there stood Sawyer with Sampson. My face heated up and I looked down. "Thank you." I said shyly taking the reins from him.

"Anytime. Are you alright? You took a pretty nasty fall." He said brushing some dirt off my back.

"I think I'll be just fine. Maybe a little sore tomorrow, but fine thanks." He nodded and headed back to his lesson. He, Lindsey, and Annie were all on the Hunter/Jumper team. They are still looking for one more rider, but until then it's just them. I wish I could be on the team, and Kari really want me to try out, but with my moms current passing away, and all the training I do everyday, I don't have any time to be on the show circuit. Shaking my head to rid my brain of the thought, I climbed back on Sampson and finished our ride. This time Staying in the saddle.


Sorry about this chapter, it's a bit more of  a filler than anything else. 

Emily and Hobbs in media :)

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