chapter 14

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I woke up on a firm but soft surface. I also woke up with a pounding head. It felt like my head was constantly being smashed by a brick. I groaned as I tried to open my eyes and sit up. As soon as the light hit me, I squeezed my eyes shut and slammed back onto the surface I was laying on. A warm hand ran up and down my back. I instantly stiffened. The surface rumbled and I heard laughter. I put two and two together to finally realize that I was laying on somebody's chest. I slowly opened my eyes this time, and looked up at the face of the body I was laying on.

"Good morning beautiful." Sawyer said with a raspy morning voice that made my stomach tighten. "If you let me out from under you, I will grab you some advil for that killer headache I bet you have." I just nodded with a small pout on my face and allowed him to roll me off of his chest and onto the couch. I put my arm over my eyes to make it as dark as possible.

I felt a nudge on my arm and pulled it away to see who dared disturb me. I peeled my eyes open to see Sawyer with two pills and some water in his hand. He helped me sit up and I gulped down the pills. "It's darker in here." I stated looking around the room.

"Yeah, I closed all the blinds and lights so you could sleep." He said sitting next to me and letting me lean on him while he rubbed my arm.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it, but I can't sleep, I have to go do chores." I sighed.

"No you don't. Your dad already took care of them. He saw you out this morning and told me to help you get through this hangover and he would take care of the barn chores."

"Wait, what time is it?" Sawyer looked around for a bit before answering.

"Almost nine."

"And how long have you been awake? Dad usually wakes up at seven."

"Yeah, your dad woke me up on his way out to the barn, so...not long."

"Not long my butt. You were trapped under me for two hours?"

"I wouldn't say trapped. I was very comfortable, and I wanted you to keep sleeping. You're very cute in your sleep by the way." He said kissing the top of my head. The pounding in my head was slowly vanishing.

"Could you be the best boyfriend in the world and make me some coffee?"

"Already brewing sweetcheeks." I smiled and cuddled up to Sawyer's side some more. He stood up a few minutes later and came back with a steaming cup of coffee. "It's decaf, this way you can still go to sleep if you wanted to."

"Thank Sawyer. I don't know what I would do without you." There was a moment of silence before Sawyer spoke up.

"Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Every last bit of it. Which reminds me, I need to speak with Kari today. I can't be on a team with her anymore."

"Hey no. You can't quit the team. You just made it, and you're like our best rider! Remember what your mom used to always say. Kill your enemies with kindness. It's the most lethal way to get rid of them."

"Yeah you're right. But until then will you stay here with me and just relax?" I asked hoping he would agree.

"Of course, but after we shower. You go upstairs and shower then change, and I'll do the same down here." I nodded my head in agreeance, and slowly stood up. I made my way upstairs and got in the shower.


It was now almost two in the afternoon. Kari was currently at the show with the JV team so I would have to wait until tonight at the JV party, or tomorrow before practice.

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