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Justin and Selena spent the days after on their own; both preferred to stay alone. Selena was busy for the wedding, Justin was afraid of texting her. He suffered a lot, he even cried. He didn't know that Josh was already gone so he was - killing himself - wondering about what they were doing. " Selena doesn't even miss me " he thought " with him. Why would she need me?"

He tried to focus on the music but the results weren't good and he loved too much his fans to give them that terrible songs he made. The only one who was pretty was titled " Heart Breaker " but he had to recheck it later because there were too many things about him and Selena.

The pain he felt was evident and Pattie and Mandy now were truly afraid Selena would have married that guy. Mandy liked him, but knew that her daughter was going to make a big mistake.

< I'm dying seeing him suffering. He cries all day > said Pattie with a sigh

< I thought Selena would have already forgiven him > replied Mandy

< He has his fault >

< they are meant to stay together >

< we cannot do everything. We helped too much, Mandy >


Sammy, who is a close friend of Selena, wanted her to relax so she organized to drive her to the Spa and chill.

Selena was distressed, not only because of the wedding. Sammy knew it. Selena vented with her friend, she was afraid of the strength of her feelings for Justin.

< I'm afraid of ruining everything > admitted Selena

< are you sure of this wedding Sel? >

< of course I am! > she replied < don't you like Josh? >

< of course I do! > Sammy exclaimed < warrior of The Hunger Games > she jokingly continued.

Both laughed.

< I just had the impression that you're not really in love > the girl explained < Selena I mean, if you were in love with the hot warrior you wouldn't have any doubt. You wouldn't worry that much of how Justin feels etc.. >

Selena nodded.

< I loved Justin as nobody could ever love another one. Even if I don't love him anymore, I can't pretend that he wasn't "him" > Selena chirped < I just think that I shouldn't ask him to take part of my marriage knowing he suffer >

< Selena you know you shouldn't but you do it anyway. And that happens because you feel something for him, probably just a fraction of the love you lived. But you feel something >

< I'm the worst! >

< you're human! And if Justin loosed you is his fault, so he must suffer > she concluded.

Selena looked at her and they both laughed, - laughed out loud - as Selena would have said. But her laughter was different from Sammy's one. What her friend was saying was real; she had heard the truth.. and she didn't want to.

Now she was looking forward to her wedding. No Justin, no regrets, no thoughts on her mind. She had to focus on the special day; that was all.

Justin had given up. Selena was too far away from recognizing her feeling for him.. " if she has feelings for me " thought Justin.

Now was all about the music, only the music.

Days ran fast and Selena and Josh started the countdown: - 8 days. The invitation had been sent, the dresses of the broom and the bride were ready.. now they had to wait for the priest to confirm the confirmation of availability by the church for the day and rehearse before the wedding.

That day Selena was going there with her future mother-in-law and Brian.


Justin woke up late as everyday, he was anxious of seeing her again. He was sick-and-tired of waiting, he loved Selena and he wanted her. " No-matter-what " he thought.

He knew from Pattie, who was told by Mandy, that Selena was really into the marriage now. That news killed, once more, Justin. His heart was unfixable. That weeks were like hell for him, he wasn't bright. He fought with his real best friend Alfredo, lost the love of his life and made very bad music.

He was getting paranoid with the thought of them together, in the night, on the beach, on the sofa, kissing, hugging, maybe also having sex! " He can't touch my girl " Justin kept thinking. Certainly he wasn't happy, it was the worst period of his life.

He was aware of the mistake he had made. He let her go away.

Being famous isn't just having money, girls and fame. There's much more beyond that. Being famous is very difficult, especially if you're a teen-ager. Being famous is being in the spotlight 24 hours per day, everyone can see your mistake. You have to seem happy, you have to work hard for your fans, you have to hide yourself when there's a problem or paparazzi will - kill - you. Justin was very famous, he thought he had everything but now he understood that what he desired was being happy. And Selena meant his happiness.

Justin now was going through a lot but he had no people by his side because the only one he loved were gone. He was depressed, and he confirmed it even on his interview with Oprah.

He needed someone, some real friend. So he called Alfredo and apologised. Of course Alfredo, you cared a lot for Justin, came to his house.

< I knew you weren't like Twist > said Alfredo. Justin was in need. < I have an idea. Like the movie you're going to be the best Maid of Honour ever. You must stay with her and organise her wedding in the best way you can. She'll find out what she truly feels for you and baaaam: you're back! >

Justin laughed.

< Justin, Selena loves you. It's obvious. Just think of the end of the movie she told you to watch > he explained < maybe she doesn't know it or maybe she does. But she loves you >

Alfredo was right. Now-or-Never. Justin had to talk to her now. Or better, he had to prove her that she was making a mistake marring Josh.

Justin was convinced, was charged, was ready to deal with her. " Now or never baby " he thought.

20 DAYS TO MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE AGAIN { JELENA AU }Where stories live. Discover now