Chapter 3

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A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a while! It's just that school and I'm writing another story and I had a BIG essay due. BUT I'm updating now so... are you happy? Just kidding! No one reads this...

Goldyve and Alice both drop their swords on the ground while panting, though Alice is much more tired than Goldyve. I smirk and put my sword back on the weapons rack.

"Tough, huh?"

"You train like this every day?" Alice asks.

"There about, I was giving you a bit of a harder time than most, only because I wanted to see your potential."

"Allons-nous avoir à entraîner comme ça tous les jours? Je ne vais pas être en mesure de prendre cette..." I hear Alice mumble. "La formation de l 'armée de Wonderland est assez mauvaise..."

"What'd she say?" I ask Goldyve.

"Um... I'm not very good at French but I'll try... 'Are we going to have to train like this every day? I won't be able to take that... Wonderland's army training is bad enough.' Is what I think she said."
"You're a pretty good translator if you ask me." Alice consoles.

"Meet me here tomorrow at noon. I'll teach you our rules and such, then you won't have to train anymore, if you don't want to."

"We'll see you tomorrow!" Goldyve says while walking away with Alice. I hear some crackling, but I don't mind it.

The ground starts to shake. Birds start flying out of the trees, most likely flying to a more safe place. They splatter onto the sky like little black dots. Clouds of dust snake around the trees and make me cough.

What the hell is going on?!

A hole in the ground appears, it grows bigger and bigger until I can see lava at the very bottom. A claw grips the edge. It's bony and covered in soot and ashes. The claws are a grayish color, most likely due to the ashes. The owner climbs its way out.

It's a black dragon about the size of the tower. Its tail snakes out and knocks into trees, spearing them with the spikes on the tail. Spikes are sprouting from its head all the way down to the tip of the tail. The wings are massive, but they're partially torn up. Purple energy flows in its mouth and in its eyes. You can also see it flowing through the ribcage. It lets out a roar that shakes the ground, penetrates my ears, and sends chills throughout my body.

"I am looking for Abbadon Saitana, he hasn't come back, and he has duties to attend to." it roars in a deep, demonic voice.

"Who are you?!" I scream so it can actually hear me.

"I am Inilth Lehizod, ruler of Hell."

So THAT'S who he was talking about!

"I don't know where Abbadon is, I'm sorry to say. Yes, I did see him last night, but I didn't see him after the attack. And I know for a fact that he didn't die."

"Solaris!" it barks. A woman flies out of the gateway to hell, though she doesn't look normal.

Her skin's a yellowy-orange, and is the same color as her eyes. Her hair's yellow, orange, and red, and it looks as if it's on fire. Fiery wings are sprouting out from her back. Her dress is made of orange fire and falls down to her knees. Ashes cover her bare legs and feet, along with the ground around her. She lands on the ground next to Inilth.

"Yes, mistress?" she asks while bowing her head.

"Find Abbadon. Now!"

"On it!" Solaris flies up, leaving the ground she was standing on ablaze. Inilth stomps on it and looks at me with her purple eyes.

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