Chapter 4:

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The plan's perfect. I knew I could count on Mulan. Banshee's here too, after all, she is the leader of the forest army. She brushes her shoulder length red hair out of her green eyes; her pointy ear are sticking out of her hair. She's wearing a short sleeved armor that's corseted. Along with leather leggings and brown lace-up boots.

Maethranal's sitting next to her. Her light blonde hair hangs in ringlets around her face and down her back. She's wearing the silver headband with the leaf designs, her crown. Her dress is forest green with sheer fabric tied around the neck holding it up. There's a belt that's a slightly darker green around the waist, and it has a gold clasp on it. The whole dress is scattered with gold designs that look like leaves. I must say, it's very beautiful. A golden bow carved into twists and turns is swung around her shoulders. Behind it is a leather quiver filled with arrows made out of oak.

"Sounds like a plan to me." Banshee adds.

"I'm no expert, but it sounds pretty good to me." Rumple agrees.

"We just need a certain day. Got anything, Rumple?" I inquire while putting my feet on the table and sharpening my sword.

"Princess Hira's wedding is a month from today. We could commence the plan then. But it would be extremely dangerous. There would be guards everywhere."

"That's a small price I'm willing to pay. The more guards the better, we need to show off how powerful we truly are."

"Well, dearie, you're not wrong. He needs to fear us. More than he is already."

"He's already afraid?" My brow furrows and I bite the inside of my lip.

"Wistan's a... cowardly King, if you will." I snicker. A cowardly King? How could someone who's the ruler of the most powerful country be cowardly?

"I shouldn't be laughing." I try to hide a smile, as does Mulan and Banshee. Rumple gives us a sly grin.

"It's alright to laugh. And let's be honest, he's not that smart either."

"Extremely true." I sneer. I compose myself and take a deep breath.

"We'll wait to tell everyone the plan."

"Why not tell them now?" Mulan asks.

"We don't want to get them too excited. You've seen how rowdy they get when we kill a person."

"Alrighty then." Rumple says while putting his feet up on the table. "But I think we should tell someone."

"Millicent, Peter, and Merida." Maethranal suggests. "I personally think they're the only ones we can trust with this type of information, as of now." I nod my head in agreement.

Millicent's been chosen as the next leader if I die at any point in time. Peter's been my friend for some time, and he hasn't failed me yet. And Merida's Maethranal's daughter, and she's very strategic when it comes to battle plans.

"Seems fair," He rubs his fingers together and gold specks flake off, "I won't argue with the leader."

"Can you get them real quick?" I ask Mulan, she nods and walks out the door. We wait in silence until she comes back with them. Mulan closes the door behind them.

Merida's wearing an olive green dress with animal fur on the right shoulder. It looks as if she doesn't want to be wearing it. She has her brown leather belt around her waist, and her sheath's attached. Her frizzy red hair's hanging loose and goes down to her waist. Her bow is on her back, along with her black leather quiver.

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