Chapter 6:

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So many people are here. Most of them are on my side, anyways. There's royals that I remember so well... What would happen if they see me with Peter and not my husband? Oh well, I guess we'll find out soon enough.

"Snow!" I hear someone shout. I turn around and I see Avila Evelune, Princess of Grukrulion. The waves of her dark blue, velvet dress fly behind her as she walks swiftly towards me. "It's so lovely to see you!" I nod and smile.

"It's certainly been a long time, how are you, Avila?"

"I'm fantastic, my son, Philip is absolutely wonderful."


"How have you been?"

"Damian and I have been doing fine."

"Did Damian change?" she whispers. "He looks... different."

"Well... my Damian unfortunately passed away, but then I found love again, with another Damian."

"That's certainly lucky, I must say." she laughs, I chuckle a bit as well. It's a believable story. "I must go, the dancing has started." I wave to her as she runs to her husband. Peter comes up to me, and he's eating a slice of pie.

"An interesting story, I must say that." he chuckles.

"It was the best I could come up with in the heat of the moment." He finishes chewing the pie and holds out his hand. I take it and we walk towards the dance floor. We dance for what seems like hours. Then the music stops.

"Attention everybody! To your seats! The wedding is about to begin!" We all walk out to the deck and sit in a seat. Guards are scattered everywhere. This might be tough, but we'll make do. Floria and Ellevette sit next to me. I see a man with formal wear on standing at the altar. He looks rather nervous. I can see sweat glinting in the firelight. Music starts to play, and we all stand up.

Hira does look stunning, I'll give her that. Her white wedding gown trails on the ground. Gold ribbons line the trim, the sleeves, and the waist. Her is braided and has white ribbons woven in and out. She stands next to her fiancee and then looks towards him.

"Do you, Karolus Jurdi, take Hira Dever Rose Thaliea Collette Milisindia Valandor to be your wife?"

"I do."

"And do you, Hira Dever Rose Thaliea Collette Milisindia Valandor take Karolus Jurdi to be your husband?"

"I d-" A sword crashes through the window and hits the priest. I nod to Peter. That's our cue.

"Seize the person who threw that!" Wistan yells. Guards run down to the priest and aim arrows at where the knife came from. Everybody stands back, Peter and I are on the stairs, so I can throw my knife. I aim it, and throw.

It hits a guard in the neck, and he falls down to the ground, dead. People look up to see where the knife came from, I wave, smile sweetly, and then pull my sword out from under my dress.

"Get out of my way!" I scream, they make a path for me, and the King looks at me with anger in his eyes.

"You... you planned all of this?" he's trying not to explode with anger.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. I've been planning this since I was six. Since the day you killed my parents."

"Names... I need names." Wistan snaps his fingers, trying to remember their names. The bastard.

"You've killed that many people?! That you can't even remember?!" Hira cries. Karolus holds her back, she's about to join our side.

"Bow to me, or I'll have you and your group killed. If you promise to serve me, I'll let you all off on a warning." He hisses while drawing his sword. I raise my head as I shout,

"Kill me if you must, but I shall not bow to a King who wears a crown studded with jewels of every life he's ended!" All of my followers raise their weapons and charge. Guards run towards us, and the guests who aren't fighting run out of the way. Morgan tosses me a sword, and I block two attacks that are aimed at me.

Everybody is shocked. Nobody understands how the hell I did that. I smirk, peasants. This is going to be... fun.  

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