Chapter 7

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 "What are you doing you bastards! Kill her!" Wistan yells. Karolus is still holding Hira back, I wonder what she'll do if he just... accidentally... let go. I nod to Peter, and he throws a knife at his arm. Karolus cries out in pain and lets go.

She looks back and forth from me to her father. Questioning loyalty, interesting. She grabs a dagger strapped to her ankle and turns towards me. Hira points the knife at me, but throws it backwards. It hits Karolus right in the neck. He falls to the floor, dead.

"He deserved it," she cooes. "Arranged marriages never end well." I smile, she'll fit in well here. Wistan looks at his daughter in shock as she strides on over next to me.

"Surrender, Wistan, or pay the price." I threaten.

"You think I'll surrender to you? A harmless wench?!"

"Father," Hira hisses. "Need I remind you of what happened during my betrothal party? Not to mention her many followers. She has to have at least two-hundred, and there are ones that aren't even here."

"True, but other kingdoms have sided with me." He thinks he's so sly.

"Not me!" I hear someone shout. Avila is standing with her head raised high. "After what I've heard, I'm on the rebel's side."

"Nor I!" Men and women shout in unison while getting to their feet. Wistan grits his teeth. I step in front of the crowd, sword at the ready.

"You bitch!" He snarls.

"Would you like to fight? I have more people coming and I'd rather not keep them waiting for a fight." He commands his guards to go after my followers. Leaving him to fight me. Perfect. We meet in the middle of the room.

"I have to say..." He sighs, "You would've made a great ally in battle."

"I would never serve someone who has killed thousands of people."

"Then so be it."

He tries to stab me with his sword. Only now do I see that the handle is studded with jewels. More lives. I block another attack coming my way. Our swords clash, his face is reddening.

"Are you getting tired, old man?" I taunt. He only grunts in response. I give him a good punch in the stomach and he hunches over, just enough time for me to put my sword to his throat. All of the group runs in and goes off to fight.

"You've been beaten, surrender or die."

"I have just one more trick up my sleeve." He smiles slyly and shoves his hand close to my heart. A dagger is sticking out of my chest, it's bloody, blood seeps down my dress. I fall to the ground. I've been beaten. Wistan runs away.

"Snow! What did he do?" I hear Peter shout from behind me. He runs around and kneels down, he sees the dagger, the blood. He puts his hand on the back of my neck and lifts my head off of the ground. "You'll be okay, I promise." He says hoarsely. I chuckle.

"We both know where this is going, Peter. Don't deny it."

"No, no, I won't accept it. You can't die, too." I close my eyes and sigh. "No! Snow, stay with me! I'll just go get Blue..."

"She stayed at the tower. Peter... I'm leaving... You in charge, I trust you with this." My voice is just above a whisper.

"Snow... I have to tell you something..."

"Then go ahead, I don't have much time left..."

"I... I... I lov-" The light welcomes me, it's warm. I see my Parents. I see Doc, Sleepy, Grumpy, Sneezy, Bashful, Happy, and Dopey. I see Damian. They welcome me with warm arms. I'm home at last. I can be happy. I hug them all and start crying.

"Welcome home, Snow." Damian whispers in my ear. I smile, at long last, I can be with my husband again.  


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