Chapter 8

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 "Snow... I have to tell you something..."

"Then go ahead, I don't have much time left..."

"I... I... I love... you..." She doesn't respond to me. I shake her, "Snow!" No response. No... she's... she's... No. I can't... I won't believe it, there must be... some way to... Probably not. God dammit. Tears well in my eyes. Another love has been lost. First Wendy, now Snow.

"PETER!" I hear Millicent shout. I look up and she's flying above us using her dark brown wings that are twice the size of her. "What happened to her?!"

"She... Wistan... st-stabbed her." She covers her mouth with her hand. Then her eyes turn red.

"You wouldn't mind if I killed him, would you?"

"We'll kill him together." I growl. He'll pay for what he did to Snow. Her and I storm over to the laughing Wistan.

"You think a fallen angel and a teenager will scare me?!" He roars. I grab my dagger and Millicent grabs her sword.

"We should scare you, considering you know what we can do."

"I know what Snow could do, I don't know anything about you." His emphasis on could strikes my heart. My growl turns feral as I pounce on him. The knife plunges into his chest. He falls to the ground.

"Well..." he coughs, "It seems as if the boy who can fly has more up his sleeve... than you'd... think..." his eyes become dead on the last word. His chest stops heaving under the heavy layers of fabric.

After another half an hour of fighting stubborn guards who refuse to back down, we finally win.

Before we announce to the kingdom that the bastard king is no longer alive, we hold a service for Snow. No eulogies, just the burial in silence. We'll get a marked gravestone, soon. When everybody's gone I stick her sword in the ground in front of her grave. I hang Damian's crown on the handle. There, now you and him will be together forever. With your Astrid, with the dwarves, with peace. You deserve it more than all.

Perhaps, death would be more merciful than living here, for you, at least. I don't think you would've been able to stomach being Queen, again, without Damian by your side.

"It's time, Peter." I hear Millicent say behind me. I nod sadly and get off of my knees. We walk to the balcony up in the castle.

"What are you planning on doing after this?" I ask her trying to get my mind off of Snow.

"I'm leaving, I don't know where to, but I know I'll be alright. I'm changing my name, too."

"To what?"

"Maleficent. I think it will honor her memory, for me, at least."

"It certainly will. We'll miss you... around here."

"I promise to visit. Don't worry." She stops at the entryway. Since she's leaving that leaves me in full command. I step out to face my kingdom.

"People of Ibronid!" I shout. People stop muttering about themselves and turn to face me. "Your king has fallen, and the Princess, Hira, will take over as ruler. Whether she chooses to be married is up to her or not.

"There were many casualties during the fight for freedom against your evil tyrant. But one will most definitely not be forgotten. Her name was Snow White Haeck, and she was our leader. She died with honor so you could live in peace.

"Now here this, people of Ibronid. You no longer have an evil tyrant as a ruler!" I smile just a twinge, the people are cheering. For me. I can barely stand it, but I yell: "This is our rebellion!"

The End  

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