Chapter 5

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One month has passed. Today is the day that I can finally try to kill Wistan Valandor, an evil tyrant. He deserves it. Blue's helping me get ready.

I've chosen the dress with a silver belt and sun, moon, and star chains hanging from it, the sleeves are loose and hug my arms until my mid-forearm. It was my second choice for the ball. I have my silver tiara on, and I smile into the mirror. Blue put a braid down the middle of my hair, then tied it up into a bun with white blossoms. She let the rest of my hair dangle in their curls. I'm wearing the same black cape as I always do. There's a dagger tied to my shin, so if I have the chance to kill him, I can do it quick.

"Thank you, Blue. You're the person I can count on when it comes to things like this."

"You always know where I am if you need any help!" she snaps her fingers then disappears. I smile and run down to the main hall. I see Peter fuming with anger. I snicker just a bit, he's not happy with what he's wearing. It looks like he just became a King. The hall is a wave of colors with everybody dressed up in regal outfits.

He's wearing a black long-sleeve tunic with gold trim running down the sleeves and stopping at the wrist. It has an emblem that looks like a sun at the end of the v neck, it shows off the white undershirt he has on underneath. He has on simple black trousers, and of course, his boots. To top it off, my husband's silver crown is resting on top of his blonde hair. Floria and Ellevette are joining me in little snickers here and there.

Floria's wearing dress a that almost looks like it's made of seafoam. The skirt spills to the ground in beige ruffles. Small tree branches wrap around her waist and go down her left arm. It fits her, seeing that she's a forest spirit, and that she's the bringer of storms. She's wearing the locket she always wears. Her red hair has a simple braid on one side that sways back and forth.

Ellevette has on a rainbow colored strapless dress that's corseted. Sleevelets the same color are hanging from her elbows and past the tips of her fingers. The skirt stops at her knees, revealing her gold sandals. She has on the necklace that was her sister's, I have to say, it goes quite nicely with her dress.

"Your dress looks amazing." Morgan says while swaying the skirt of her black and gray halter dress back and forth. I can see Maethranal in her bright, forest green dress, talking to Merida. Who I think is wearing one of my dresses. Oh well, it looks better on her anyways. The dark green makes her hair stand out, and the skirt highlights her waist. I can tell she doesn't like wearing it that much, but she has to.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I whirl around to see Goldyve struggling with her dark red, velvet dress. And I can see why, it looks a little tight. The corset is making her waist dangerously small.

"Nothing a little magic can't fix!" Morgan exclaims, taking notice of her. She swirls her finger and Goldyve sighs in relief. She adjusts the gold belt and takes in a huge breath.

"Better?" I snicker. She rolls her eyes and nods.

"Can you tell her that her dress isn't bad? She seems to think it is." Goldyve sticks out her thumb behind her, towards Alice. She's trying to adjust her dark blue flowing skirt. The dress is quite beautiful, actually. The long black, lace sleeves add a nice touch to it. As does the collar. I walk cautiously towards Alice.

"You look fine." I console.

"Mack doesn't agree."


"Mack!" she points to a woman with curly red hair, extremely white skin, and a dark brown top hat on her head. It looks like she's drinking tea... strange.

"I heard my name?" she whips around to reveal her dirty tail coat and trousers.

"I was just saying that you don't like my dress."

"Well of course not! It doesn't say, 'Alice'! Don't you agree?" she turns to the empty air next to her and laughs. "She agrees!"

"We wouldn't want a dress that fits Alice to get bloody, now would we?" I try to help the situation.

"Ah, I see where you're coming from!" It works. Alice smiles at me.

"Mack, this is Snow. She's the leader."

"Hello, Snow! I am Mack Hatter, of Wonderland. Pleasure to meet you!" Mack bows and smiles.

"Just so you know, if she kisses your hand, she's a man in Wonderland, and everywhere else she's a woman." Alice mumbles to me. My brow furrows but I shrug it off, magic is a strange thing afterall.

"Is she coming with us?"

"If she wants to. Mack!" Mack turns to us and laughs, "Would you like to come to a wedding with us?"

"Weddings aren't my style." Mack giggles.

"There's going to be violence!"

"Then I'm in!" Alice laughs and walks off to talk to Goldyve. I flinch as Magnus pops up next to me. He's in a simple jacket and trousers, along with boots. He laughs and folds his arms over his chest. I scowl but quickly giggle.

"Forgive me, but who is that over there?" he points towards Sybil. She's talking with Morgan, and she's swaying her turquoise dress around. I think it's another one of my dresses, but I don't mind. It suits her better. I laugh and pat him on the back.

"It's Sybil, Queen of the Mermaids. And it's fine, you haven't been here long enough in order to memorize everyone's name." he laughs and walks over to Laxte and Robyn. I walk over to Peter.

"Are you ready?"

"I uh... you look... uh... Yes." he manages to stutter

"Thank you, Peter."

"Is everybody ready?!" Morgan shouts. Everybody that's going cheers happily. She closes her eyes and teleports a ways away from the King's castle. Peter links his arm in mine. We start to walk first, along with Morgan. Little by little, so we're not too suspicious. I see the big marble doors, I hand the invitation to the heralder.

"May I present, Damian and Snow Haeck! Rulers of Cryasea!" Peter bows, and I curtsey. We walk down the velvet covered steps into the main hall.

"Here we have, Morgan Le Fay! The almighty sorceress!" she curtseys and walks down the other staircase. We're going to be in for a long party, I know that for sure. But I don't care, it gives us time to prepare. For the best, or for the worst. It all depends, on where my loyalties lie.   

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